sabato 17 giugno 2017
GOSSIP - La reunion del cast di "The L Word" in vista dell'assai probabile ritorno!
Erin Daniels,
Ilene Chaiken,
Jennifer Beals,
Katherine Moennig,
Leisha Hailey,
Mia Kirshner,
Sarah Shahi and Daniela Sea,
The L Word
venerdì 16 giugno 2017
NEWS - S.O.S. Netflix! Spende sempre di più per contenuti originali: conviene? Le cancellazioni di alcune serie (costose) dicono che il gioco non sempre vale i dollaroni...
News tratta da "Variety"
Netflix got a lot of attention last year by declaring its intent to spend $6 billion on content in 2017. But that’s not a true reflection of the cash the company is actually shelling out. Through about 2011, the money Netflix spent on content each year was roughly equal to the amount the company expenses each quarter in its profit-and-loss statement. However, that changed starting in late 2012 with Netflix’s spending on original content, which is very different from the way it pays for licensed content. With licensed content, the streaming company has generally been able to arrange to pay in a manner that aligns with the way it accounts for content costs in its P&L statement — a little bit at a time over the life of the content. But with original content, Netflix has to fund the whole expense out of pocket from day one, meaning that almost all of the cash cost is incurred before the content is even available. As a result, whereas Netflix’s cash outlay on content was once considerably less than its total cost of revenue specified in the company’s income statement, it is 25% to 30% higher as of the last few quarters. If what Netflix spent on original content relative to its total content expenditure were to remain the same in the near future, that cost wouldn’t necessarily be an issue. But chief content officer Ted Sarandos has indicated he’s looking to raise the portion of original content on the company’s platform to half its total roster over the coming years. That means spending more and more cash up front. Thus, while Netflix has been profitable at a net income level for a number of years, it’s now burning through cash at a tremendous rate. The company’s preferred metric in this area is free cash flow, and both the dollar amount of losses and the margins those imply have been worsening over time, with a brief blip in the first quarter of this year. Its total net outlay over the last four quarters was $1.8 billion.This rapid shift from licensed to original content is the single biggest difference between Netflix and, say, HBO, whose spending on originals has remained constant in percentage terms over the past five years. Even Amazon isn’t spending at nearly the same levels as Netflix, and it has a massive e-commerce business to generate cash. Netflix has publicly anticipated “many years” of negative free cash flow and doesn’t forecast turning that around until it has reached a much larger revenue base. That means the strategy is entirely dependent on the company’s continued ability to grow rapidly and expand its margins. But if its growth trajectory slows or its cost of content increases faster than anticipated, Netflix will find its current ability to keep raising more debt seriously compromised.
News tratta da "Variety"
Netflix got a lot of attention last year by declaring its intent to spend $6 billion on content in 2017. But that’s not a true reflection of the cash the company is actually shelling out. Through about 2011, the money Netflix spent on content each year was roughly equal to the amount the company expenses each quarter in its profit-and-loss statement. However, that changed starting in late 2012 with Netflix’s spending on original content, which is very different from the way it pays for licensed content. With licensed content, the streaming company has generally been able to arrange to pay in a manner that aligns with the way it accounts for content costs in its P&L statement — a little bit at a time over the life of the content. But with original content, Netflix has to fund the whole expense out of pocket from day one, meaning that almost all of the cash cost is incurred before the content is even available. As a result, whereas Netflix’s cash outlay on content was once considerably less than its total cost of revenue specified in the company’s income statement, it is 25% to 30% higher as of the last few quarters. If what Netflix spent on original content relative to its total content expenditure were to remain the same in the near future, that cost wouldn’t necessarily be an issue. But chief content officer Ted Sarandos has indicated he’s looking to raise the portion of original content on the company’s platform to half its total roster over the coming years. That means spending more and more cash up front. Thus, while Netflix has been profitable at a net income level for a number of years, it’s now burning through cash at a tremendous rate. The company’s preferred metric in this area is free cash flow, and both the dollar amount of losses and the margins those imply have been worsening over time, with a brief blip in the first quarter of this year. Its total net outlay over the last four quarters was $1.8 billion.This rapid shift from licensed to original content is the single biggest difference between Netflix and, say, HBO, whose spending on originals has remained constant in percentage terms over the past five years. Even Amazon isn’t spending at nearly the same levels as Netflix, and it has a massive e-commerce business to generate cash. Netflix has publicly anticipated “many years” of negative free cash flow and doesn’t forecast turning that around until it has reached a much larger revenue base. That means the strategy is entirely dependent on the company’s continued ability to grow rapidly and expand its margins. But if its growth trajectory slows or its cost of content increases faster than anticipated, Netflix will find its current ability to keep raising more debt seriously compromised.
mercoledì 14 giugno 2017
NEWS - Auditel, il grande bluff si allarga! Dal 30 luglio annunciati i nuovi dati di ascolto tv con il super-campione di 10.400 famiglie in più. Monitorati per la prima volta anche Pc, tablet, on demand, smartphone...Due domande: 1) perché parte il 30 luglio quando network e palinsesti sono in vacanza? 2) come mai nessun giornale, sito o blog tv si è accorto che il nuovo monitoraggio doveva partire esattamente un anno fa (vedi qui) e non vi è stata alcuna obiezione o critica in merito? Non perché fa comodo a, no!
News tratta da "Prima on line"
Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Auditel ha dato il via libera alla partenza del SuperPanel che, di fatto, triplica il campione per la rilevazione degli ascolti televisivi e che sarà la base per la rilevazione anche dei nuovi device digitali. I primi dati di ascolti tv basati sul nuovo campione saranno pubblicati il 30 luglio prossimo. Dopo aver sostituito integralmente, già nel 2016, il proprio campione base di 5.700 famiglie, Auditel ha selezionato e installato altre 10.400 nuove unità familiari, dotate di set meter, già in grado di produrre i dati di ascolto. L’operazione, che non ha precedenti a livello internazionale, ha raggiunto l’obiettivo della confluenza dei due campioni, rappresentativi della popolazione italiana, in un unico imponente super-campione costituito da 16.100 famiglie (circa 41.000 individui). “Mentre tutti i Jic, Joint Industry Committee, cioè i Comitati misti che governano le ‘Auditel’ nei diversi Paesi, sono alla ricerca di soluzioni per estendere i panel che misurano le audience e far fronte alle nuove sfide imposte dallo sviluppo tecnologico, il campione italiano – sostiene la stessa Auditel – si afferma come il più solido in Europa per numerosità e il primo al mondo nel rapporto panel/popolazione”. Triplicando di fatto le dimensioni della base di raccolta delle informazioni sull’ascolto della televisione, Auditel “assicurerà ai dati rilevati maggiore robustezza e ulteriore precisione, oltre a costituire un asset fondamentale al servizio dei futuri sviluppi della Ricerca e del mercato”.
I benefici del SuperPanel per Auditel comprendono la “riduzione del 50% dei ‘minuti a zero ascolto’” e “una riduzione del 66% dei fattori di espansione, con un significativo miglioramento dei margini di stima statistica e dell’interpretabilità dei dati, soprattutto ai bassi livelli di granularità e per le emittenti con maggiore variabilità di audience”. Il SuperPanel “rappresenta non solo lo strumento più evoluto oggi disponibile per rispondere alla frammentazione degli ascolti e garantire la misurazione dei servizi on demand, ma anche – sottolinea l’Auditel – l’infrastruttura sulla quale verrà costruita, con soluzioni innovative, la rilevazione dei nuovi device digitali (Smart TV, PC, Smartphone e Tablet) sui quali, già oggi, vengono fruiti numerosi segmenti di televisione”. “Una svolta epocale, per i broadcaster e le imprese che investono in pubblicità – rivendica l’Auditel – con il chiaro intento di pensare alla televisione ‘oltre la televisione’, e alle audience come a una somma intelligente di contenuti fruiti secondo diverse modalità di consumo, su tutte le piattaforme e tutti i device”.
Sul piano tecnico, “è già stata avviata una roadmap di implementazione che comprende le attività di adeguamento dei sistemi hardware e software di tutti i soggetti chiamati ad elaborare una mole di informazioni significativamente superiore alla precedente. Appena il sistema distributivo sarà simmetricamente a regime, si potrà partire con la pubblicazione dei nuovi dati prevista a partire dal prossimo 30 luglio”. Per supportare e accompagnare il mercato nei cambiamenti introdotti da questa evoluzione, Auditel ha messo a punto anche un piano di rilascioche coinvolgerà tutti gli utilizzatori dei dati mediante ‘workshop’ di approfondimento, attività di formazione e iniziative di ‘educazione’ alla lettura e all’impiego delle nuove metriche. Il complessivo programma di iniziative legato alla roadmap di implementazione e al piano di rilascio dei dati è stato oggetto di un dettagliato processo di condivisione con l’Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (Agcom).
martedì 13 giugno 2017
GOSSIP - L'Uomo Pipistrello era un grande...uccello! Adam West-Batman a letto con 8 donne a notte, sveltine con il collega Burt Ward (Robin nella serie tv anni '60) nel backstage, orge a go-go e relazioni con le sorelle Wood...
News tratta dal "Daily Mail"
Perfino Batman aveva i suoi segreti. Sabato è morto, a 88 anni, Adam West, il primo che lo ha interpretato sullo schermo tra il 1966 e il 1968. L’attore ha vissuto una vita selvaggia, a base di sesso e alcol. La sua notorietà e il fatto che fossero gli anni swinganti dell’amore libero, gli garantirono l’attenzione femminile, al punto che andava a letto anche con otto donne a notte. Lui e Bart Ward, che interpretava il fidato Robin, facevano delle sveltine dietro le quinte, fra una scena e l’altra e mentre indossavano il costume. Fuori dal set, ancora meglio. West era un partecipante abituale alle orge, fu lui stesso a raccontare di quando venne cacciato da un’ammucchiata con l’amico Frank Gorshin, che nella serie interpretava l’Enigmista, perché entrambi si erano calati nei loro personaggi. West ebbe relazioni con le sorelle Natalie e Lana Wood, ex Bond Girl. Si sposò tre volte ed ebbe sei figli. Quando lo show fu chiuso, nel 1968, per lui fu un duro colpo. Non fu reclutato per altri ruoli prominenti e soffrì di depressione e alcolismo.
News tratta dal "Daily Mail"
Perfino Batman aveva i suoi segreti. Sabato è morto, a 88 anni, Adam West, il primo che lo ha interpretato sullo schermo tra il 1966 e il 1968. L’attore ha vissuto una vita selvaggia, a base di sesso e alcol. La sua notorietà e il fatto che fossero gli anni swinganti dell’amore libero, gli garantirono l’attenzione femminile, al punto che andava a letto anche con otto donne a notte. Lui e Bart Ward, che interpretava il fidato Robin, facevano delle sveltine dietro le quinte, fra una scena e l’altra e mentre indossavano il costume. Fuori dal set, ancora meglio. West era un partecipante abituale alle orge, fu lui stesso a raccontare di quando venne cacciato da un’ammucchiata con l’amico Frank Gorshin, che nella serie interpretava l’Enigmista, perché entrambi si erano calati nei loro personaggi. West ebbe relazioni con le sorelle Natalie e Lana Wood, ex Bond Girl. Si sposò tre volte ed ebbe sei figli. Quando lo show fu chiuso, nel 1968, per lui fu un duro colpo. Non fu reclutato per altri ruoli prominenti e soffrì di depressione e alcolismo.
lunedì 12 giugno 2017
NEWS - Invasione rossa! "The Americans" lancia (geniale) campagna di lancio in vista degli Emmy Awards puntando sul legame Usa-Russia tra passato e presente
News tratta da "Variety"
FX has launched an appropriately covert campaign to push “The Americans” for Emmy Awards consideration. “The Americans” revolves around a married couple in Washington, D.C. who are long-embedded spies for their native Soviet Union. FX has taken digital and print ads in the Sunday editions of the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times that point readers to the website. That URL sends users to FX’s existing For Your Consideration website on behalf of “The Americans,” which features links to all 13 episodes of the show’s fifth season and various promotional material on the show and its key players. Voting for the first round of Emmy nominations begins Monday and runs through June 26. FX also took the extraordinary step of buying a 15-second TV spot in CBS’ “Face the Nation” and other Sunday political roundtable shows. The provocative spot echoed the print ads with a shot of the U.S. Capitol building with the red hammer-and-sicyle Soviet flag flying overhead, while the soundtrack features a Red Army Chorus-style rendition of “America the Beautiful” but with lyrics in Russian. It ends with a voice-over announcer declaring “The Russians are here.” The cabler clearly aims to capitalize on the recent ratcheting of tensions between the U.S. and Russia. The two countries are at odds on numerous geopolitical concerns, notably the civil war in Syria. And last week former FBI director James Comey testified before Congress there was no doubt in his mind that hackers directed by the Russian government sought to meddle in the 2016 presidential election. “The Americans” has long been a critical darling but it never generated much Emmy heat until last year, when it grabbed noms for drama series and lead drama acting bids for stars Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell. FX is clearly looking to generate some buzz for the show with its unusual FYC promotional efforts, which may well cause a stir with TV news viewers who are unaware of the show. “The Americans” wrapped its fifth season last month. The Amblin TV drama is set for its sixth and final season next year.
News tratta da "Variety"
FX has launched an appropriately covert campaign to push “The Americans” for Emmy Awards consideration. “The Americans” revolves around a married couple in Washington, D.C. who are long-embedded spies for their native Soviet Union. FX has taken digital and print ads in the Sunday editions of the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times that point readers to the website. That URL sends users to FX’s existing For Your Consideration website on behalf of “The Americans,” which features links to all 13 episodes of the show’s fifth season and various promotional material on the show and its key players. Voting for the first round of Emmy nominations begins Monday and runs through June 26. FX also took the extraordinary step of buying a 15-second TV spot in CBS’ “Face the Nation” and other Sunday political roundtable shows. The provocative spot echoed the print ads with a shot of the U.S. Capitol building with the red hammer-and-sicyle Soviet flag flying overhead, while the soundtrack features a Red Army Chorus-style rendition of “America the Beautiful” but with lyrics in Russian. It ends with a voice-over announcer declaring “The Russians are here.” The cabler clearly aims to capitalize on the recent ratcheting of tensions between the U.S. and Russia. The two countries are at odds on numerous geopolitical concerns, notably the civil war in Syria. And last week former FBI director James Comey testified before Congress there was no doubt in his mind that hackers directed by the Russian government sought to meddle in the 2016 presidential election. “The Americans” has long been a critical darling but it never generated much Emmy heat until last year, when it grabbed noms for drama series and lead drama acting bids for stars Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell. FX is clearly looking to generate some buzz for the show with its unusual FYC promotional efforts, which may well cause a stir with TV news viewers who are unaware of the show. “The Americans” wrapped its fifth season last month. The Amblin TV drama is set for its sixth and final season next year.
domenica 11 giugno 2017
NEWS - Rip Batman! Adam West ha scalato il grattacielo che porta in cielo
News tratta da "TvLine"
News tratta da "TvLine"
Adam West, TV’s original Batman, has died. He was 88. West passed away after a short battle with leukemia, his family confirmed on Facebook. West rose to fame in 1966 as the star of ABC’s Batman, which produced a total of 120 episodes over three seasons before it ended in 1968. Burt Ward, who played Robin, issued the following statement to our sister site Variety:
I am devastated at the loss of one my very dearest friends. Adam and I had a special friendship for more than 50 years. We shared some of the most fun times of our lives together. Our families have deep love and respect for each other. This is a terribly unexpected loss of my lifelong friend. I will forever miss him. There are several fine actors who have portrayed Batman in films. In my eyes, there was only one real Batman that is and always will be Adam West. He was truly the Bright Knight.
West’s extensive TV resume included select episodes of The Detectives, Perry Mason, Gunsmoke and Fantasy Island. He also guest-starred on a number of sitcoms, including Laverne and Shirley, Murphy Brown, NewsRadio, George Lopezand The King of Queens. Most recently, he appeared as himself on the 200th episode of The Big Bang Theory. Earlier this year, West filmed a guest spot on NBC’s one-and-done Powerless, where he was set to portray Dean West, the chairman of Wayne Industries who visits Charm City to deliver bad news to Bruce Wayne’s cousin Van. The series was ultimately pulled from NBC’s schedule and his episode never aired.
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