NEWS - Senza Lena non si regna! La Headey a Ischia spiega il motivo per cui è la Regina del piccolo e grande schermo ("leggo le sceneggiature tutte d'un fiato"). E sulle riprese di "GOT" in Italia rivela...
(ANSA) - ISCHIA - E' la regina di 300 e la regina dei Sette Regni nella serie cult Il trono di spade: Lena Headey, star del cinema e della tv, coltiva il progetto della regia e intanto rivela: "Quando mi danno una sceneggiatura - dice all'ANSA l'inglese, che ha appena avuto la nomination agli Emmy per il suo ruolo nella serie Hbo in onda su Sky Atlantic, e premiata a Ischia Global Fest - la leggo tutta d'un fiato per vedere se sopravvivo''. Luci e ombre di sequel e serie di successo, una vita appesa ad un rigo di sceneggiatura: "Fa parte del gioco, finora mi e' andata bene". Lena Headey e' confermata in entrambi i set, il sequel di 300 (Mark Canton e Gianni Nunnari hanno annunciato a
Ischia il terzo e ultimo capitolo della saga su persiani e ateniesi che ha dato la fama a Gerard Butler e a molti altri tra cui Temistocle-Sullivan Stapleton, oggi anche lui qui) e la quinta stagione di Game of Thrones, le cui riprese sono appena cominciate. Alcune location della serie creata da David Benioff e D.B.Weiss potrebbero essere in Italia, ma al rumors che farebbe felici i tanti fan di casa nostra, la quarantenne Headey risponde di non saperne nulla. Il mistero resta, ma non sulla messa in onda: Sky Atlantic ad aprile 2015.
"Il motivo di tanto successo globale? E' una storia che tocca temi universali come l'amore, la paura, l'amicizia, il dolore, la morte, racconta un mondo
incasinato in chiave fantasy. E' affascinante ed e' facile
identificarsi. Non a caso Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco, i romanzi
di George R.R. Martin, da cui e' tratta la saga, erano gia' popolarissimi", risponde l'attrice che nel Trono di spade e' la supercattiva Cersei Lannister, regina dei sette regni, reggente dopo la morte del marito, ambiziosa e amorale come ogni saga vuole per i ruoli di donne potenti. Ma non una macchietta, perche' Il trono di spade e' uno dei prodotti seriali di massima qualita' degli ultimi anni, dotato di un budget da kolossal e una macchina produttiva incredibile per la messa in scena del mondo immaginario del continente Westeros. "Non ho idea del perche' mi affidino ruoli regali. Io comunque adoro investire me stessa in questo tipo di personaggi", dice all'ANSA Lena Headey che proprio grazie a questi ruoli ha avuto la svolta di una carriera cominciata a 17 anni con Quel che resta del giorno di James Ivory. Fatto e' che la Regina degli spartani Gorgo - nel blockbuster 300 basato sulla graphic novel di Frank Miller del 2007 (poi seguito da 300 - L'alba di un impero) - le ha aperto le porte definitivamente e ha ottenuto poi il ruolo di Sarah Connor nell'omonimo telefilm Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles e poi nel 2011 la supercattiva di Game of thrones.
sabato 19 luglio 2014
venerdì 18 luglio 2014
NEWS - Meglio Tardis che mai! La BBC si scusa con Moffat (e i fans) per la fuga d'immagini di "Doctor Who"
News tratta dal "Daily Mirror"
The BBC has apologised for the recent Doctor Who leaks.
The new series of the BBC time travelling drama is not due to be screened until late August on BBC One but a black and white version of the first episode without special effects found its way on to the internet, leading to the BBC issuing a statement.
The statement from BBC Worldwide said: "We would like to thank Doctor Who fans everywhere for their amazing efforts in helping us contain the recent leaks.
"The mistake was damaging and resulted in the exposure of five scripts and the first six unfinished episodes from Series 8 on a publicly accessible FTP site.
"While there is still a risk that this leak will result in more of this content emerging, so far the impact has been contained to a limited amount of this material through a combination of fans efforts and the plan that we put in place using new technology and internal manpower to limit any illegal activity.
"We would particularly like to thank the fansite moderators and Doctor Who devotees who have actively protected the programme.
"BBC Worldwide has taken this issue extremely seriously and disciplinary action has been implemented as a result of the incident."
Finally, the statement apologised to showrunner Steven Moffat and the fans: "Our sincere apologies again to Steven Moffat, the cast and production team who toil long hours to make the show in Cardiff, the BBC, and of course the fans who expect so much better."
News tratta dal "Daily Mirror"
The BBC has apologised for the recent Doctor Who leaks.
The new series of the BBC time travelling drama is not due to be screened until late August on BBC One but a black and white version of the first episode without special effects found its way on to the internet, leading to the BBC issuing a statement.
The statement from BBC Worldwide said: "We would like to thank Doctor Who fans everywhere for their amazing efforts in helping us contain the recent leaks.
"The mistake was damaging and resulted in the exposure of five scripts and the first six unfinished episodes from Series 8 on a publicly accessible FTP site.
"While there is still a risk that this leak will result in more of this content emerging, so far the impact has been contained to a limited amount of this material through a combination of fans efforts and the plan that we put in place using new technology and internal manpower to limit any illegal activity.
"We would particularly like to thank the fansite moderators and Doctor Who devotees who have actively protected the programme.
"BBC Worldwide has taken this issue extremely seriously and disciplinary action has been implemented as a result of the incident."
Finally, the statement apologised to showrunner Steven Moffat and the fans: "Our sincere apologies again to Steven Moffat, the cast and production team who toil long hours to make the show in Cardiff, the BBC, and of course the fans who expect so much better."
Doctor Who series 8 begins August 23 on BBC One.
giovedì 17 luglio 2014
NEWS - Clamorosissimo al Cibalissimo! L'ottava stagione di "TBBT" a rischio: i 5 attori top vogliono più soldi (come "Friends", tanto per amicizia!). Un milione di dollari a testa a episodio o si slitta!
News tratta da
Flagship CBS comedy series The Big Bang Theory is slated to go into production on its upcoming eighth season on July 30. But with only two weeks to go, the entire original cast of the hit comedy is still without contracts. I hear the two sides are still far apart and there has been little dialogue.
The situation resembles the 2010 salary renegotiations when Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg and Kunal Nayyar too faced the start of production in the midst of talks with producing studio Warner Bros. TV. The difference is that back then, they had existing contracts and were obligated to show up for work, which they did while their teams were negotiating big pay bumps behind the scenes. This time around, none of the five have deals in place as their contracts on the show expired at the end of last season. Big Bang‘s newest cast members, Melissa Rauch and Mayim Bialik, who renegotiated their contracts last fall with substantial salary increases, are the only actors currently under contracts.
That means that, if new deals with the Original Five are not reached in the next two weeks, production on Season 8 may be pushed. I hear that even if Big Bang doesn’t start start production until after Labor Day, it still is expected to be able to deliver an hourlong season premiere for September 22 but insiders do not think things would go that far. (Big Bang‘s 2010 salary renegotiations didn’t wrap until September.) Warner Bros. TV is known for going down to the wire but being able to close big cast deals on time, including multiple negotiations on Two And A Half Men.
When CBS and Warner Bros. TV inked a three-year pickup
for the hit comedy in March for a license fee north of $4 million per
episode, the renewal was cast-contingent as it was done without securing
the main cast. No meaningful conversations with the cast’s reps
followed. There was a small push to get the deals done in the days
leading to CBS’ upfront presentation. Some progress was made but not
enough to reach agreements in time for the presentation. It’s been a
slow going since then. But there are encouraging signs — I hear the two
sides are finally engaging, with real back-and-forth likely to begin
within the next week or so.
are small changess in the actors’ negotiating teams from 2010. Parsons
was with Innovative Artists then, now he is with CAA; Galecki was with
CAA, now he is with WME. Parsons, Galecki and Cuoco no longer are
represented by the same law firm, Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, which again
reps Galecki and Cuoco, while Parsons is with Gang, Tyre, Ramer &
Brown. Still, talks seem to be following a similar pattern — the trio
negotiating separately with Parsons leading the way and the stars
expected to get “favored nations”-type deals that call for parity in
their pay. While in 2010 Parsons, Galecki and Cuoco finished their
renegotiations before Helberg and Nayyar started theirs, this time all
five are without contracts and therefore negotiating simultaneously,
with Helberg and Nayyar again in a different group than the other three
Under their previous contract, Galecki, Parsons and Cuoco earned around $350,000 an episode in Season 7, with each owning 0.25 point of the series’ lucrative backend. Given the enormous success on Big Bang, a blockbuster network and off-network hit which some estimate could generate up to $3 billion for Warner Bros TV, Galecki, Parsons and Cuoco could go into Friends territory with new salaries in the neighborhood of $1 million per episode, plus a bigger piece of the backend.
News tratta da
Flagship CBS comedy series The Big Bang Theory is slated to go into production on its upcoming eighth season on July 30. But with only two weeks to go, the entire original cast of the hit comedy is still without contracts. I hear the two sides are still far apart and there has been little dialogue.
The situation resembles the 2010 salary renegotiations when Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg and Kunal Nayyar too faced the start of production in the midst of talks with producing studio Warner Bros. TV. The difference is that back then, they had existing contracts and were obligated to show up for work, which they did while their teams were negotiating big pay bumps behind the scenes. This time around, none of the five have deals in place as their contracts on the show expired at the end of last season. Big Bang‘s newest cast members, Melissa Rauch and Mayim Bialik, who renegotiated their contracts last fall with substantial salary increases, are the only actors currently under contracts.
That means that, if new deals with the Original Five are not reached in the next two weeks, production on Season 8 may be pushed. I hear that even if Big Bang doesn’t start start production until after Labor Day, it still is expected to be able to deliver an hourlong season premiere for September 22 but insiders do not think things would go that far. (Big Bang‘s 2010 salary renegotiations didn’t wrap until September.) Warner Bros. TV is known for going down to the wire but being able to close big cast deals on time, including multiple negotiations on Two And A Half Men.

Under their previous contract, Galecki, Parsons and Cuoco earned around $350,000 an episode in Season 7, with each owning 0.25 point of the series’ lucrative backend. Given the enormous success on Big Bang, a blockbuster network and off-network hit which some estimate could generate up to $3 billion for Warner Bros TV, Galecki, Parsons and Cuoco could go into Friends territory with new salaries in the neighborhood of $1 million per episode, plus a bigger piece of the backend.
Due uomini e mezzo,
Jim Parsons,
Johnny Galecki,
Kaley Cuoco,
Kunal Nayyar,
Mayim Bialik,
Melissa Rauch,
Simon Helberg,
The Big Bang Theory
mercoledì 16 luglio 2014
GOSSIP - Trovata! Oh my GOT: l'attrice più orripilante e peggio vestita dei telefilm è lei! (e chi se no?)
Già non è bellissima (un cesso). Già non è alta (una tappa). Ma vestirsi in tal modo (come nella foto), è un affronto da denunciare ai ghisa. Innanzitutto per contraffazione di marchio registrato (coi soldi percepiti da un'eventuale causa si potrebbe costruire una bella Barriera in centro a Milano, adiacente al Castello Sforzesco, in vista dell'Expo 2015: tanto ormai si costruisce di tutto senza senso, una minchiata in più o una in meno non cambia..., a parte il portafogli degli amministratori che danno il via libera). E poi quel look demente: il cappelletto da baseball con visiera all'indietro meriterebbe l'impalamento; i pantaloni del pigiama Stellina non se li metterrebbe manco Lady Gaga in un selfie per stupire; i 413 braccialetti non coprono abbastanza il braccino da ranocchia; lo smalto orange-shocking non c'entra un beneamato col resto del look già da scampata "achissàqualetragediadell'infanzia". Infine la postura dei piedi: a meno che non stia scendendo a spazza neve dalle pendici dell'Aprica, non ha nessun senso extra-alpino.
P.S.: il fazzoletto per terra era per asciugarsi il sudore prima dello scatto (quindi inutilizzato) o la reazione scaracchiosa di un passante nelle vicinanze? Comunque sia, Maisie Williams, GOT HOME!
Già non è bellissima (un cesso). Già non è alta (una tappa). Ma vestirsi in tal modo (come nella foto), è un affronto da denunciare ai ghisa. Innanzitutto per contraffazione di marchio registrato (coi soldi percepiti da un'eventuale causa si potrebbe costruire una bella Barriera in centro a Milano, adiacente al Castello Sforzesco, in vista dell'Expo 2015: tanto ormai si costruisce di tutto senza senso, una minchiata in più o una in meno non cambia..., a parte il portafogli degli amministratori che danno il via libera). E poi quel look demente: il cappelletto da baseball con visiera all'indietro meriterebbe l'impalamento; i pantaloni del pigiama Stellina non se li metterrebbe manco Lady Gaga in un selfie per stupire; i 413 braccialetti non coprono abbastanza il braccino da ranocchia; lo smalto orange-shocking non c'entra un beneamato col resto del look già da scampata "achissàqualetragediadell'infanzia". Infine la postura dei piedi: a meno che non stia scendendo a spazza neve dalle pendici dell'Aprica, non ha nessun senso extra-alpino.
P.S.: il fazzoletto per terra era per asciugarsi il sudore prima dello scatto (quindi inutilizzato) o la reazione scaracchiosa di un passante nelle vicinanze? Comunque sia, Maisie Williams, GOT HOME!
martedì 15 luglio 2014
lunedì 14 luglio 2014
domenica 13 luglio 2014
GOSSIP - Clamoroso alle Hawaii! Ashley Benson apre la stagione delle toplessate telefilmiche e diventa testimonial (vestita) di H&M
It seems Ashley Benson is not one for tan lines.
Spring Breakers actress threw caution to the breezy Pacific Ocean trade
winds as she whipped off her bikini top for a spot of topless
sunbathing in Maui, Hawaii, earlier this month. Ashley,
24, was joined by her Pretty Little Liars co-star Shay Mitchell, 27,
who was not feeling quite so brave and kept both parts of her two piece
on. Ashley was also accompanied by boyfriend Ryan Good on her beach break, as well as another of her co-stars, Tyler Blackburn.
Sursok, a fellow star in the ABC Family show, was spotted on the island
too and enjoyed a splash in the ocean with her husband Sean McEwen and
their nine-month-old baby Phoenix. Last week it was announced that Benson is the new face of H&M. The American actress landed her first major modelling gig
after signing on to front the high street retailer's Divided line, which
is aimed at teenage customers.Ashley, who plays Hanna Marin in Pretty Little Liars, is known for her covetable and casual style, so the
collaboration is the perfect fit. Ashley commented: 'These outfits represent my style very well. I love high-waisted skirts, skinny jeans and loose tops.' The
campaign was shot in Los Angeles by Mariano Vivanco and features a
series of images showing the natural beauty posing against a plain white
wall. Key looks from the ads include cute slogan tees, pencil skirts, flirty sundresses, denim jeans and chunky ankle boots.Ashley
and her Pretty Little Liars co-star Lucy Hale were the faces of Bongo
for their Spring 2012 campaign, but her new worldwide H&M gig is
set to raise the starlet's profile to a whole new level.
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