sabato 18 agosto 2018
venerdì 17 agosto 2018
NEWS - Netflix, abbiamo un problema sulle terze stagioni! Dopo il cast di "Stranger Things", anche quello di "Tredici" chiede l'aumento per la stagione 3. E sulla crescita d'ascolti tra la prima e la seconda non ci sono prove...
News tratta da "Deadline"
It’s come down to the wire for Netflix’s hugely popular drama series 13 Reasons Why, which is scheduled to do the first table read for the upcoming third season tomorrow but its eight core cast members are still renegotiating their contracts. We hear that negotiations are still ongoing but as of Wednesday night, there were no deals and the sides were still apart on money. However, we hear the gap has been bridged significantly today, and sources close to the situation sounded optimistic that agreements would be reached in time for Season 3’s start of production, scheduled for Monday. We hear Dylan Minnette, who has emerged as the sole lead following the departure of original star Katherine Langford, is seeking a Season 3 salary in the $200,000 per episode range, while Brandon Flynn, Alisha Boe, Justin Prentice, Christian Navarro, Miles Heizer, Devin Druid and Ross Butler are looking for about $150,000 an episode. That is way above the group’s start salaries, said to be in the $20,000 – $60,000 an episode range, with Minnette believed to have started higher, around or north of $80,000. It is customary for the cast of successful shows to seek raises after Season 2. The impetus for the salary demands by the 13 Reasons Why actors likely were the huge raises that the cast of another hit Netflix series, Stranger Things, recently gotheading into Season 3. They are believed to be paid as much as $350,000 an episode for the adult leads and $250,000 an episode for the child actors this season. There is a difference in the size of the orders. Stranger Things will produce eight episodes while 13 Reasons Why’s order is for 13 episodes, which may explain some of the per-episode salary discrepancies between the two shows as the per-season compensation is relatively on par. We hear Paramount TV, which produces the series with Anonymous Content, and Netflix have been trying to close the new deals for the 13 Reasons Why actors today with new offers closer to the ask (we hear for the seven, it’s about $135,000 an episode in Season 3, rising to $150,000 in Season 4; for Minnette we hear the remaining gap is about $20,000). We will update if/when agreements are reached. All actors are still under contracts, so we hear expectation is that they would show up for work though the studio would like to wrap the renegotiations before that. 13 Reasons Why was a breakout hit for Netflix. While it has faced controversy over its graphic depictions of suicide and sexual violence, it is among Netflix’s most watched series. We hear that Netflix has said during the negotiations that ratings have slipped from Season 1 to Season 2 but since the streaming service does not release viewership data, that is hard to substantiate. In recent weeks, following 13 Reasons Why‘s Season 3 renewal, Netflix executives have been effusive in their praise of the show’s performance. “13 Reasons Why has been enormously popular and successful. It’s engaging content,” CEO Reed Hastings recently said during the company’s annual shareholder meeting. “It is controversial. But nobody has to watch it.” At TCA several days ago, Netflix VP content Cindy Halland also called 13 Reasons Why “one of our most popular shows.”
News tratta da "Deadline"
It’s come down to the wire for Netflix’s hugely popular drama series 13 Reasons Why, which is scheduled to do the first table read for the upcoming third season tomorrow but its eight core cast members are still renegotiating their contracts. We hear that negotiations are still ongoing but as of Wednesday night, there were no deals and the sides were still apart on money. However, we hear the gap has been bridged significantly today, and sources close to the situation sounded optimistic that agreements would be reached in time for Season 3’s start of production, scheduled for Monday. We hear Dylan Minnette, who has emerged as the sole lead following the departure of original star Katherine Langford, is seeking a Season 3 salary in the $200,000 per episode range, while Brandon Flynn, Alisha Boe, Justin Prentice, Christian Navarro, Miles Heizer, Devin Druid and Ross Butler are looking for about $150,000 an episode. That is way above the group’s start salaries, said to be in the $20,000 – $60,000 an episode range, with Minnette believed to have started higher, around or north of $80,000. It is customary for the cast of successful shows to seek raises after Season 2. The impetus for the salary demands by the 13 Reasons Why actors likely were the huge raises that the cast of another hit Netflix series, Stranger Things, recently gotheading into Season 3. They are believed to be paid as much as $350,000 an episode for the adult leads and $250,000 an episode for the child actors this season. There is a difference in the size of the orders. Stranger Things will produce eight episodes while 13 Reasons Why’s order is for 13 episodes, which may explain some of the per-episode salary discrepancies between the two shows as the per-season compensation is relatively on par. We hear Paramount TV, which produces the series with Anonymous Content, and Netflix have been trying to close the new deals for the 13 Reasons Why actors today with new offers closer to the ask (we hear for the seven, it’s about $135,000 an episode in Season 3, rising to $150,000 in Season 4; for Minnette we hear the remaining gap is about $20,000). We will update if/when agreements are reached. All actors are still under contracts, so we hear expectation is that they would show up for work though the studio would like to wrap the renegotiations before that. 13 Reasons Why was a breakout hit for Netflix. While it has faced controversy over its graphic depictions of suicide and sexual violence, it is among Netflix’s most watched series. We hear that Netflix has said during the negotiations that ratings have slipped from Season 1 to Season 2 but since the streaming service does not release viewership data, that is hard to substantiate. In recent weeks, following 13 Reasons Why‘s Season 3 renewal, Netflix executives have been effusive in their praise of the show’s performance. “13 Reasons Why has been enormously popular and successful. It’s engaging content,” CEO Reed Hastings recently said during the company’s annual shareholder meeting. “It is controversial. But nobody has to watch it.” At TCA several days ago, Netflix VP content Cindy Halland also called 13 Reasons Why “one of our most popular shows.”
Alisha Boe,
Brandon Flynn,
Christian Navarro,
Devin Druid,
Dylan Minnette,
Justin Prentice,
Katherine Langford,
Miles Heizer,
Reed Hastings,
Ross Butler,
Stranger Things,
mercoledì 15 agosto 2018
GOSSIP - Ashley Benson e Cara Delevingne si baciano pubblicamente all'aeroporto: Ferragosto alla luce del sole per la coppia sempre più consolidata
Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson are sharing a smooch! The 26-year-old Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets actress and model and the 28-year-old Pretty Little Liars star were seen sharing a passionate kiss at Heathrow airport on Tuesday (August 14) in London, England. Ashley was also seen wearing a “C” necklace! The two have long made headlines for their rumored romance ever since stepping out holding hands during what looked like a double date back in April in New York City. The two were seen hitting a spa together earlier this month. They looked enamored with each other as they waited for a taxi outside of the airport terminal, with Cara wrapping her arm around Ashley.
martedì 14 agosto 2018
Recap: #Sky annuncia nuova serie scritta tra gli altri dal capo della fiction #Mediaset; tratta dal libro del marito di @caterinabalivo (@RaiUno); con @AleBorghi_ lanciato da @NetflixIT (#Suburra); prodotta da @LuxVide fino ad ieri #Rai+#Mediaset oriented. Più che #Diavoli, geni.
— Leo Damerini (@LeoDamerini) 14 agosto 2018
lunedì 13 agosto 2018
NEWS - Quei Diavoli di Sky! Ingaggiano Patrick Dempsey nella co-produzione con Lux Vide di una serie tv sugli intrighi della finanza dove tra gli autori compare Daniele Cesarano, capo della fiction di Mediaset (!)
Sky Italia e Lux Vide annunciano la serie originale, Diavoli, le cui riprese inizieranno a fine settembre con il primo ciak battuto a Londra. La serie in 10 episodi, basata sull’omonimo best seller (ed. Rizzoli) di Guido Maria Brera, una eccezionale storia di finanza, potere e disinganni, sarà co-finanziata e distribuita a livello internazionale da Sky Vision ed è realizzata in collaborazione con Orange Studio. Il cast di livello internazionale avrà come protagonisti il due volte nominato ai Golden Globes Patrick Dempsey, noto al pubblico mondiale per l’iconica interpretazione di Derek Shepherd in Grey’s Anatomy, e Alessandro Borghi, tra i talenti italiani più cristallini degli ultimi anni, apprezzato da pubblico e critica per le sue interpretazioni in Non essere cattivo, Suburra, Fortunata e The Place. Insieme a loro Laia Costa (Victoria), Malachi Kirby (Radici), Paul Chowdhry (Swinging with the Finkels), Pia Mechler(Everything Is Wonderful), Harry Michell (Chubby Funny) e Sallie Harmsen (Blade Runner 2049). Diavoli sarà ambientata nella sede londinese di una grande banca americana, dove lo spregiudicato Head of Trading, Massimo Ruggero (Alessandro Borghi) è stato accolto dall’Italia e cresciuto nel mondo finanziario da Dominic Morgan (Patrick Dempsey), CEO della banca. Quando finisce per ritrovarsi coinvolto in una guerra finanziaria intercontinentale che colpisce l’Europa, dovrà scegliere se allearsi con il suo mentore oppure combatterlo. Alla regia di questo nuovo progetto internazionale ci sarà l’inglese Nick Hurran, nome legato a serie tv di grande successo: Sherlock (per cui è stato nominato agli Emmy), Doctor Who, Fortitude, Altered Carbon, The Prisoners. A Hurran è affidata anche la supervisione artistica della serie. Lo affiancherà nel team di regia l’italiano Jan Michelini (I Medici). Il team di scrittura include Alessandro Sermoneta, Mario Ruggeri, Elena Bucaccio, Guido Maria Brera, Chris Lunt, Michael Walker, Ben Harris, Daniele Cesarano, Ezio Abate e Barbara Petronio.
Nils Hartmann, Direttore Produzioni Originali di Sky Italia, ha dichiarato: «Quando, più di 10 anni fa, Sky ha dato il via alle prime produzioni originali ci siamo dati una mission: non percorrere territori già battuti e continuare ad innovare. Nell’annunciare questo nuovo progetto ci sono la consapevolezza e l’entusiasmo di star andando, ancora, in quella direzione. E di farlo con a bordo un cast internazionale di registi, guidato da Nick Hurran, e interpreti davvero straordinari che metterà insieme, tra gli altri, Patrick Dempsey, un nome che ha fatto la storia della serialità negli USA, qui in un ruolo nuovo e sorprendente, e Alessandro Borghi, attore italiano tra i più talentuosi e versatili, che siamo orgogliosi di avere con noi. Un progetto ambizioso, nato dall’avvincente romanzo di un altro talento italiano, Guido Maria Brera, che segna il debutto per Sky in un genere rarissimo in Italia, il financial thriller, e inaugura la collaborazione con Lux Vide, brand di grandi successi italiani e internazionali con cui siamo orgogliosi di intraprendere questo viaggio».
Luca Bernabei, Amministratore Delegato di Lux Vide, ha commentato: «Un tempo la finanza riguardava alcune persone ricche che avevano il capitale per “giocare” in borsa; ora la finanza si impadronisce delle vite di tutti noi e le cambia profondamente rendendoci in molti più poveri e alcuni privilegiati molto più ricchi. Questo mi ha colpito dello splendido romanzo di Guido Maria Brera I Diavoli che racconta i segreti dei nuovi padroni del mondo: i signori della finanza. Lux è orgogliosa di produrre con Sky Italia e con la distribuzione internazionale di Sky Vision questa nuova avvincentissima serie che racconterà le storie di uomini e donne che lavorano nei mercati finanziari non più per guadagnare soldi ma per diventare i padroni del mondo. Questa è la straordinarietà del racconto che ha colpito Sky Italia, spingendo il team Original Productions guidato da Nils Hartmann e affiancato da Sonia Rovai, a lavorare accanto al team Lux guidato da Sara Melodia per sviluppare delle sceneggiature assolutamente trasgressive e innovative. La bellezza dei copioni ha coinvolto prima un grande regista come Nick Hurran, affiancato da Jan Michelini, e poi grandi attori come Patrick Dempsey e il nostro Alessandro Borghi. Diavoli sarà la prima serie al mondo che svelerà i segreti dei nuovi padroni del mondo con storie avvincenti perché anche loro sono uomini anche se si comportano come dei».
Moreyba Bidessie, Scripted Acquisitions Manager di Sky Vision, ha aggiunto: «Questa serie sarà la prima produzione originale targata Sky Italia ad essere co-finanziata e distribuita a livello internazionale da Sky Vision, a riprova del costante impegno nel creare prodotti televisivi di primo ordine, a cui Sky Vision è orgogliosa di dare il proprio contributo. Diavoli è un irresistibile mix di atmosfere thriller e complotti, un racconto di come la seduzione del potere è in grado di intaccare e corrompere anche il più forte dei legami».
Le riprese di Diavoli – serie girata in inglese – inizieranno a fine settembre e si svolgeranno tra Londra e Roma per una durata complessiva di 24 settimane. La serie sarà trasmessa prossimamente in Italia su Sky e distribuita a livello internazionale da Sky Vision.
NEWS - "Streghe" per Milano! Una delle protagoniste della storica serie spera che il cast originario venga coinvolto nel reboot
Alyssa Milano is speaking out with her thoughts on the Charmed reboot. The 45-year-old actress, who stars in the new Netflix series Insatiable, wishes that the execs of the reboot reached out to her and the other original stars from the beginning. “I wish that they would have come to us and we would have been involved since the beginning,” she told Entertainment Tonight. “But having said that, I do hope that it reaches the newer generation and impacts that generation the way ours was able to do for its generation.” Alyssa shot down the idea of making a cameo in an episode or even directing an episode. “I don’t think so,” she said. “I think that that ship has sailed for me.”
Alyssa Milano is speaking out with her thoughts on the Charmed reboot. The 45-year-old actress, who stars in the new Netflix series Insatiable, wishes that the execs of the reboot reached out to her and the other original stars from the beginning. “I wish that they would have come to us and we would have been involved since the beginning,” she told Entertainment Tonight. “But having said that, I do hope that it reaches the newer generation and impacts that generation the way ours was able to do for its generation.” Alyssa shot down the idea of making a cameo in an episode or even directing an episode. “I don’t think so,” she said. “I think that that ship has sailed for me.”
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