sabato 23 maggio 2015

PICCOLO GRANDE SCHERMO - Fermate l'Enterprise, voglio scendere! Per "Star Trek Beyond" chiesta da Paramount una sceneggiatura meno "trekkie" e più...western!

Articolo tratto da
Ask different people to define what Star Trek means to them and you’re likely to get a huge range of answers. Some may say it’s a science-based show. Others may consider it a rousing adventure. Then there are people who might feel it’s a bit goofy, or an amalgamation of all of those things. That final answer is probably the closest thing to the truth because over the course of numerous movies and TV shows, Star Trek has been many different things.
For the upcoming Star Trek 3, titled Star Trek Beyond, co-writer and co-star Simon Pegg recently said the studio felt an early script for the movie was “a little bit too Star Trek-y.” That suggests the studio wants something that’s less “Star Trek-y.” What exactly does that mean? We’ll explore what that means for the Star Trek 3 plot below.
Pegg was talking to Radio Times Magazine (via Trek Movie) about Star Trek Beyond when he said the following:
They had a script for Star Trek that wasn’t really working for them. I think the studio was worried that it might have been a little bit too Star Trek-y.
That’s most likely the script Roberto Orci, who was originally going to direct the film, was doing. Orci is a hardcore Trek fan who was rumored to have gone very deep into the sci-fi bones of the franchise. Pegg himself doesn’t go into specifics about what he means but does add this:
Avengers Assemble, which is a pretty nerdy, comic-book, supposedly niche thing, made $1.5 dollars. Star Trek: Into Darkness made half a billion, which is still brilliant. But it means that, according to the studio, there’s still $1 billion worth of box office that don’t go and see Star Trek. And they want to know why.
How does the studio want to tackle that? By making it less “Star Trek-y.” According to Pegg that might mean to “make a western or a thriller or a heist movie, then populate that with Star Trek characters so it’s more inclusive to an audience that might be a little bit reticent.”
To a layman who only knows Star Trek from a few movies and general pop culture feeling about the franchise, this may sound odd. Star Trek as a western? Or in a heist plot? But Trek experts, such as Devin Faraci at Birth Movies Death, point out that Paramount’s idea of “Too Star Trek-y” might be completely wrong:
I read that last bit and I say to myself… oh, they just want to make it like the original Star Trek TV show. A show that was pitched as Wagon Train To The Stars, a space western. A show that had episodes where Kirk and Spock found themselves on a planet ruled by 1930s mafioso, a show where the spirit of Jack the Ripper took over Scotty and a show where one of the greatest episodes is a submarine battle story. They had episodes that were courtroom dramas and episodes that were love stories. To me that is Star Trek  – a bunch of different genres and story types into which the Trek characters are inserted.
So maybe the problem is that Paramount doesn’t even know what Star Trek is. Maybe if they do make a film that’s a bit more fun and crazy and out there, something further away from the general stoic perception of Trek, that will be the thing that strikes a chord with audiences.
Star Trek Beyond, directed by Justin Lin, will be released July 8, 2016.

venerdì 22 maggio 2015

GOSSIP -"Si può essere femministe ed essere femminili": parola della "New Girl" Zooey Deschanel sul nuovo "Cosmo" 
Zooey Deschanel of "New Girl" shows off her amazing blue eyes on the cover of Cosmopolitan‘s June 2015 issue, on newsstands May 12. Here’s what the 35-year-old pregnant actress had to share with the mag:
On worrying about her post-baby body: “Haven’t we all seen those pictures of a sexy new mom in a bikini after one month? I will not be that person. I’ve always gone my own course and never been someone who had the need to be super skinny. I like a healthy look. I don’t buy into that skinny-is-better mentality. I just eat healthy and work out and don’t worry about my weight too much. Actresses aren’t models, and most of them never wanted to be.”
On women in TV: “It’s a good time for women on TV. We can be funny in our own way…and funny doesn’t mean just one thing. Funny isn’t just one-liners. It’s big personalities and individualism.”
On wanting to be asked more than “what are you wearing?”: “I’m all for people asking actresses more intelligent questions. Just because you’re wearing a nice dress doesn’t mean you don’t have any ideas. It’s a shame to reduce smart, talented women to clothes models. But you can be a feminist and femmy. I don’t see how those things contradict each other.”
For more from Zooey, visit

giovedì 21 maggio 2015

NEWS - Sky attack! Da oggi disponibile il SOLT (Sky On Line Tv), il dispostivo per vedere in streaming i titoli di Sky. Netflix è avvisata...
Articolo tratto da "Il Sole 24 ore"
Andrea Zappia, amministratore delegato di Sky Italia, risponde al Sole 24 Orea margine della presentazione di "Sky Online Tv Box": un piccolo dispositivo in grado di trasformare in una smart tv qualsiasi televisore dotato di un ingresso Hdmi. Il che, tradotto in pratica, vuol dire la possibilità di guardare sulla tv di casa Sky Online-e quindi i programmi Sky - in streaming e senza vincoli di abbonamento. Una presentazione che avviene all'indomani dello scoppio del bailamme attorno all'assegnazione dei diritti tv per i campionati di serie A per il 2015-18 (si vedano altri articoli a pagina 11) che rischia «di oscurare un passaggio che rappresenta l'elemento che completa la strategia di Sky», presente su satellite, ma anche con l'Iptv - con l'offerta da poco lanciata con Telecom-e ora con la internet tv (basta connettere questo box alla rete internet di casa tramite cavo Ethernet o Wi-fi e collegarlo, appunto, alla porta Hdmi). Una partita, questa della internet tv, non da poco dal momento che si parla con sempre maggiore insistenza dell'arrivo di Netflix in Italia. «Siamo convinti - spiega Zappia -di poter essere il player numero in questo mercato in Italia. Da oggi abbiamo l'interfaccia, alla quale aggiungiamo la freschezza dei nostri contenuti. E ricordo che abbiamo 4 dei principali studios in esclusiva: Disney, 21st Century Fox, Paramount, Sony». Sky Online è stato lanciato ad aprile dello scorso anno come piattaforma di videostreaming, inserita in un mercato in cuia competere ci sono soprattutto Infinity (Mediaset), Timvision e Chili Tv (che però non ha un'offerta a sottoscrizione, ma Tvod, cioè si paga solo per ciò che si vede). Con lo "streaming box" presentato ieri l'offerta di Sky Online (finora disponibile solo su pc, tablet, console e su alcuni modelli di smart tv), arriva in pratica su tutte le tv vendute da una decina di anni. E nell'interfaccia ci sono app "partner" fra cui Spotify, Facebook, Vevo, Vimeoe Red Bull Tv. Bocche cucite sui numeri di clienti attesi («siamo quotati») come sui rumors che vedrebbero Sky in trattativa con Viacom- editore di Mtv - per acquisire il canale numero 8o in trattativa con Mediaset per una partnership su Premium («non commentiamo le indiscrezioni» viene ripetuto come un mantra). Noti invece i prezzi: "box" in vendita da oggi a 49,99 euro con un mese di cinema e intrattenimento e la possibilità di avere un secondo mese a 1 euro. L'offerta parte da 9,99 euro al mese (per i canali di intrattenimento) a 14,99 al mese (per il cinema). A questi si possono unire singoli eventi, anche sportivi, in pay per view a 4,99 euro. Insomma, prezzi inferiori a quelli che paga un abbonato all'offerta classica (l'Arpu media è di 43 euro). In casa Sky però si esclude il problema "cannibalizzazione". «Stiamo parlando- dice Zappia- di un differente target. Ci sono oggi in Italia 1,5 milioni di persone che guardano la tv via streaming, persone che puntano ai contenuti, ma magari non a un'esperienza così ampia come quella che offriamo all'abbonato tradizionale». Si punta quindi a coloro i quali non hanno voglia di legarsia un abbonamento per aggiungere clienti ai 4,746 milioni di abbonati al 31 marzo 2015. Numeri in crescita da due trimestri, anche se Sky in Italia è ancora leggermente sotto al dato di marzo 2014 (4,751 milioni). E all'orizzonte c'è la nuova stagione in cui la Champions League sarà esclusiva Mediaset. «È chiaro che avremmo preferito averla la Champions League. Ma nella nostra offerta c'è tutta la SerieA con 1 partita su 3 in esclusiva, l'esclusiva completa di Serie B, Premier League, Europa League, Bundesliga, Euro Qualifiers. E poi F1, MotoGp, Rwc, Nba, il grande tennis, il golf e altro ancora». Insomma, «ognuno va per la sua strada. Non è mai stato in discussione un accordo (sulla Champions League, ndr. )».
NEWS - Clamoroso al Cibali! "Fear the Walking Dead" non avrà zombi (o quantomeno "non ancora" tali)! "Sarà una serie sull'ansia, l'attesa e la depressione"...
News tratta da "Uproxx" e "Tv Line"
As AMC heads toward its summer premiere of Fear the Walking Dead, everyone involved in the series has been quick to remind us that it’s “very different” from the original The Walking Dead. No, it’s not the same thing at all, they keep telling us, as though reading from AMC scripted talking points.
But the truth is that it is quite a bit different. Yes, it takes place in the same universe, and yes, the events in the prequel happen while Rick is in his coma (at least, in the beginning), but Fear the Walking Dead is hitting upon different emotional terrain. Remember how grief stricken Morgan was that he had to kill his wife in the pilot? Or how upset Hershel was about killing all the walkers in his barn, because he was still under the misconception that they were people? Take that and multiply it by 10.
That’s the emotional basis of Fear the Walking Dead. There’s more uncertainty about the infection. There’s more uncertainty about what becomes of the infected, and because they still look very human, it’s far more difficult to kill them because it doesn’t feel like killing a zombie. It feels like killing your wife.
Fear the Walking Dead sounds like it’s going to be a lot more depressing, according to showrunner Dave Erickson in an interview with TVLine:
It’ll differ in so many ways … [It’s about] the anxiety and anticipation. We don’t go, for lack of a better term, full-zombie. There’s a bit more of a slow-burn to the story. We don’t get to a point where we’re actually in a full-blown apocalypse until much later in the show. [Fellow EP] Robert [Kirkman] wanted to really dwell on what it’s like to [commit] a violent act — especially in our world, because it’s so early, and our walkers are fresher and far more human. It’s [emotionally] difficult to kill them, even when somebody’s coming after you… In terms of emotional tension, when we put one of our characters through a moment where they have to commit some brutality to defend themselves or others, they’ll suffer for it.
Basically, Erickson says, Fear the Walking Dead is about this family in Los Angeles slowly coming to realize “what Rick came to realize in the [Walking Dead] pilot; these people are not people anymore.” Expect to see a lot of people being forced to kill their loved ones or, worse, refuse to kill their loved ones and succumb to their infections. It sounds harrowing, and brutal, and hopeless.
I can’t wait!
What you should not expect, according to Erickson, is faster zombies (though, they may have some more physical strength since they’re earlier in the decaying process). There are also no plans to do any crossover episodes with The Walking Dead because, as Erickson says, “Geography is an obstacle, and frankly somewhere down the road it will become an even greater obstacle.” Likewise, the series will not deal with the government’s efforts to contain the virus, or explore the origins of it. That will remain a mystery.

mercoledì 20 maggio 2015

L'EDICOLA DI LOU - Una super-copertina per tre! "Variety" dedica la cover alla super-coppia Flash+Supergirl e al loro papà tv (Greg Berlanti)
Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist become The Flash and Supergirl, respectively, for the new cover of Variety magazine, alongside their powerhouse producer Greg Berlanti.
Here’s what the 42-year-old TV producer had to share with the mag:
On finding Melissa: “The most important decision you can make as a showrunner when you’re doing a pilot is who’s in it, and who’s directing it. If we had not found her, I would have said, ‘I don’t want to make this.’”
On making new shows: “I don’t want to do more just to do more it if it’s not good…The first thing I’m thinking about in the morning, and the last thing I’m thinking about at night, are usually the newer ones, because you haven’t figured out the algorithm yet. From the moment the shows get picked up until we have an episode that’s as good as the pilot, I’m usually stressed about how we can do it again.”
On how he juggles multiple projects: “Honestly, I’m so reliant on others. It’s the long-term relationships I’ve had that allow me to do multiple things, because you have a shorthand with these people.”
NEWS - Scr-EMMA Queen! La Roberts protagonista assoluta del maxi-trailer della nuova serie di Ryan Murphy (mette pure in ombra Jamie Hal-Lee-Ween Curtis!)

martedì 19 maggio 2015

PICCOLO GRANDE SCHERMO - Un Big Bang al cinema! Parsons e Galecki si danno all’horror, Cuoco al dramma, Helberg con Stephen Frears e Meryl Streep. Nayyar diventa impegnato. Unica fedele alla comedy Melissa Rauch 
A proposito di "The Big Bang Theory", in onda con l’8° stagione inedita su Joi dal 19 maggio, si segnalano i salti al cinema di alcuni protagonisti del titolo seriale più popolare del mondo. Johnny Galecki lo si vedrà nei prossimi mesi nella commedia fantastica “The Master Cleanse”, al fianco di Anjelica Huston, e nell’horror “Rings” del maestro del genere Javier Gutiérrez, girato tra Madrid e Los Angeles, sequel attesissimo della saga di “The Ring”. Jim Parsons sarà sul grande schermo nel 2016 anch’egli in un horror: in “Visions” una donna incinta inizia a vivere visioni terrificanti. Al fianco di Parsons, uno stuolo di attrici del calibro di Eva Longoria, Isla Fisher, Gillian Jacobs. Kaley Cuoco si lancerà nel dramma di “Burning Bodhi”, storia di una donna che scopre la morte del suo migliore amico su Facebook e si reca nella di lui citadina natale in New Mexico soverchiando segreti e rancori mai sopiti. Simon Helberg affiancherà Meryl Streep (e Hugh Grant) in “Florence Foster Jenkins” di Stephen Frears, ovvero l’ascesa di una ereditiera di New York che decide di diventare una cantante lirica nonostante una terribile voce. Kunal Nayyar sarà impegnato sul set di “Food”, thriller sociale sulle modificazioni genetiche con il Taylor Kinney di “Chicago Fire” (Premium Action). L’unico volto di “TBBT” a perseguire la strada della comedy sarà Melissa Rauch: l’attende “Flock of Dudes” con Bill D’Elia e Hannah Simone, il tentativo di una trentenne di diventare adulta separandosi dai suoi amici (salvo ovviamente pentirsene).

lunedì 18 maggio 2015

GOSSIP - Fatevi il sangue amaro! Nel nuovo video di Taylor Swift che sancisce la sua conversione dal country al hip-hop, stuolo di star telefilmiche (Lena Dunham e Mariska Hargitay le mejo)
Taylor Swift‘s celeb-packed “Bad Blood” music video just opened the 2015 Billboard Music Awards and it is so epic! The video features a ton of the 25-year-old entertainer’s BFFs including Ellen Pompeo ("Grey's Anatomy"), Jessica Alba ("Dark Angel")Lena Dunham ("Girls"),  Mariska Hargitay ("SVU").
Joseph Kahn, who directed Taylor‘s “Blank Space” video, also directed the “Bad Blood” vid.
Taylor has been teasing posters for her video for weeks and we can’t believe the video is finally here!

GOSSIP - Oh my GOT (2)! Emilia Clarke bisex: "vorrei fare qualcosa di sessuale insieme a Channing Tatum e Jenna Dewan!" 
Emilia Clarke is the lady in red on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar magazine’s June 2015 issue, out on newsstands on May 26! Here’s what the 28-year-old actress had to share:
On working with Arnold Schwarzenegger for the upcoming Terminator: “It never gets old. He was so much fun. I expected this massive ego to turn up, but he is this charming, sweet, kind man. He got really excited to film the scenes.”
On the final epic scene from season 1 of Game of Thrones, when she rises from the ashes, naked, with dragon hatchlings on her shoulders: “The crew was a few cliffs over, so it’s me, four or five extras, and Iain Glen [Ser Jorah Mormont]. Iain does this thing where he lifts his head up and his face goes, ‘Ahh naked lady.’ But because they were filming so far away, what he said was ‘Great tits, love.’ I’m like, ‘The camera’s not on you, can you stop commenting on how great you think these breasts are?’”
On meeting famous Game of Thrones fans: “I was at a Golden Globes after party and Channing f–king Tatum came up to me, and his stunning missus, Jenna Dewan. And they said, ‘We call each other “moon of my life” and “my sun and stars”’ and all that. And I was like, ‘I cannot contain this. Please, can we all have something sexual together? You’re both beautiful, even just a hug,’”
For more on Emilia, visit!

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"Il trivial game + divertente dell'anno" (Lucca Comics)
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