sabato 24 gennaio 2015

GOSSIP - Dal Galles con amore (aka Tu vuò fà Jamie Dornan)! Joseph Morgan di "The Originals" sposato e torchiato...

News, foto e intervista tratte da "Just Jared"
Joseph Morgan in a tux? Yes, please!
The 33-year-old British actor couldn’t look any more handsome in these new exclusive portrait session photos.
Joseph currently stars in The Originals as the hottie vampire-werewolf hybrid Klaus. In our exclusive interview with Joseph, he chats about married life to his new wife Persia White, his New Year’s resolutions, and of course, The Originals!
The Originals returned January 19 at 8pm EST on The CW. It’s the first episode back from the winter hiatus so be sure to tune in! Klaus is currently preoccupied with protecting his baby daughter Hope from Dahlia’s curse. He’s also hellbent on keeping Cami (Leah Pipes) safe from his vengeful brother Finn (Yusuf Gatewood), while Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) and Jackson (Nathan Parsons) devise a plan to bring the vampires and werewolves together to consider a truce.
Click inside for our full interview with Joseph Morgan…

Joseph Morgan Interview – Exclusive

Just Jared: What is the potential for another crossover between The Originals and The Vampire Diaries?
Joseph Morgan: It’s an interesting question, because we’ve done two so far. With Tyler coming over seeking revenge and we did one with Tatia, which was Nina [Dobrev] coming. There’s a lot of people wanting to see Caroline crossing over to New Orleans to visit Klaus, because of that sort of unresolved romance that happened back in Vampire Diaries.
I’m sure they will use another crossover because why wouldn’t they? It’s a wonderful opportunity. It might be nice to see another character that I don’t have a history with. I like Michael Malarkey, who plays Enzo on Vampire Diaries. I’d love him to cross over just ’cause I’d get to spend more time with him then, he’s a good bloke.

JJ: Was your first audition for Harry Potter? Could you rewind us back to those days?
JM: (smiles) Yeah! I was just in drama school and I just signed with my agent in the UK. I was 21, and I heard about them making the Chamber of Secrets, which was the second film. There was this part, Tom Riddle, and this woman called me, who was interested in being my agent. It came through on an anonymous number, and I thought it was one of my friends pretending like, “Hello, is Joseph there please? Yes, I have an audition for him.”
So I read the book, watched the first Harry Potter film, bought a Harry Potter poster and put it on my wall. I absorbed it all as much as I could. Then I went in and I got a call back but I didn’t end up getting it. It sort of set the standard for me. Like, I knew I should be doing film and television.
We’d all seen Orlando Bloom get Lord of the Rings, and shoot for stardom. So I got this audition and I was like see ya later guys! I’m off on my rocket ship to stardom.

JJ: What are the last three things you charged on your credit card?
JM: My room in Los Angeles, (laughs), where I’m staying, probably my room service, and a dog we just fostered. A new pet, a little terrier…which we call Kingston. I say fostered, he was, but now we’ve adopted him. They think he’s two-years-old, but they don’t know. They found him kind of just wandering in LA, so I’m not sure his age. We named him Kingston because we love Jamaica, and you know, we got married in Jamaica.

JJ: You found him in LA, so you’re bringing him back with you guys?
JM: Yeah. We’ve only had him about five days. He’s on best behavior at the moment.

JJ: What are the next two things that you want to check off your bucket list?
JM: Skydiving! I’ve always wanted to do that. Although, I’m a little timid about heights, but I suppose at that height, it doesn’t matter. I’m not frightened to look out the window of the plane, but I think the actual jumping moment. I heard sometimes they push you out the plane, so maybe I’ll need that, like I’ll need to be pushed out.
I do play guitar a bit, but I’m trying to learn to be really good at the time. My wife got me an electric guitar for Christmas. I’ve brought an acoustic to work, so I’m going to annoy everyone at work by playing really loudly. And hopefully eventually I’ll get good! I’m like a campfire guitarist. I learned in the 90s, so I can play all the 90s indie tunes. Like Oasis, and Blur, and all these bands. I need to update my guitar playing. I’m trying to learn serious stuff like scales and modes.

JJ: Do you teach yourself with YouTube videos?
JM: Exactly that. Yeah.

JJ: What are you singing in the shower nowadays?
JM: I sing a bit of Mumford and Sons. I like to sing like Tom Waits and do all the kind of voices and stuff. Mostly dark stuff. I sing a lot in the car. I’ve got this long drive to work — like forty five minutes. So I do a lot of testing!

JJ: Any New Year’s resolutions?
JM: Exercise more. ‘Cause you never know when the shirtless scenes are coming. (laughs) They’re coming soon, I haven’t been for a while. And the guitar thing, that’s definitely a resolution. And I’m trying to do more writing now, just trying to kind of use my time better each year, be more productive.

JJ: What app do you use on your phone the most?
JM: Aside from Twitter, which I used to use more than I do now. It’s only because I work so much now that I forget about it for a minute. But I used to be religious about it. I use Audible, I like they’re books on tape. And I’m like the last person to discover Uber. I’m telling people how great Uber is and they’re like, “Where have you been for the last like, four years?” But yeah, Uber is my new best friend.

JJ: How did you make your first dollar?
JM: Working in a fruit and veg store, in Swansea Market, which is where I grew up, in Swansea, Wales. My dad got me the job, he used to go and get our fruit and veg from there and I got paid, I think 2 pounds, fifty an hour. And I basically had to lug potato sacks around and apples, and then arrange all the fruit in the store so it looked nice. That lasted about five weeks, so I must’ve made, I made twelve pounds, fifty each time, ’cause I worked for five hours. And I used all of that money to buy a keyboard from my brother, which I probably could’ve used anyway because he was my brother and it was in our house. But I wanted it to be mine and in my bedroom, so I bought it from him. And then never used it, so that was a waste of time. (laughs)

JJ: What’s the most meaningful tattoo that you have?
JM: I really like this one of the birds. But I suppose for the purpose of this question, I have a triangle on my back. I have two best friends who I’ve had since I was sixteen, and we grew up together, and we used to always refer to our friendship when we were teenagers, as the triangle. One of those guys is a good friend of mine, Leon Davis, in Wales, and the other one is Matt Ryan, who is Constantine. If you’ve seen the show Constantine, you’ll see he has the same tattoo on the other shoulder. And my mate Leon has it in the middle of his back, and I have it there. We got them together a couple of years ago in London.

JJ: You recently got married. What’s married life like? Are you still in the honeymoon period?
JM: Yeah, we’re still newlyweds ’cause you’re newlyweds for the first year I’m told. It’s terrific. We lived together before we were married, so it’s not different in that sense but it’s very different calling her my wife. And that’s still a big thrill for me.
I never really thought I would be married. Not that I was against it, my parents were married all the way up until my dad died, but I think I’ve always felt like that was something that more straight laced people do. But then I met Persia and she’s wild, interesting, passionate, fiery, and amazing. So I thought, “Alright, if it’s with her, that’s alright. I could do that.” ‘Cause it’s still kind of this, eye of the hurricane thing, which is amazing.

venerdì 23 gennaio 2015

NEWS - Baby-Bluth! Netflix all'assalto della risata con "Unbreakble Kimmy Schmidt" by Tina Fey e la gang di "30 Rock"
From “30 Rock” executive producers, Tina Fey and Robert Carlock comes this hilarious new comedy series starring Ellie Kemper (“The Office,” “Bridesmaids”) as a woman who is rescued from a doomsday cult and starts life over as a nanny for an Upper East Side socialite (Jane Krakowski from “30 Rock”) in New York City. Armed with just a backpack, light-up sneakers and a couple way-past-due library books, she takes on a world she didn’t think even existed anymore.

giovedì 22 gennaio 2015

NEWS - Netflix, il mondo non basta! Obiettivo 200 Paesi in due anni (Italia compresa) per la regina SVOD

Articolo tratto da "Italia Oggi"
Espansione globale entro i prossimi due anni ovvero Netflix in 200 paesi per il 2017 dagli attuali 50. Il servizio americano di video on demand sente di avere il vento in poppa dopo i risultati dell'ultimo trimestre del 2014 migliori delle attese e addirittura riduce di tre anni la lunghezza del proprio piano di espansione che in precedenza era stato fissato per il 2020. Un'euforia che ha giovato al titolo in Borsa subito dopo l'annuncio dei dati (+16%) ma che ha anche fatto dire al ceo Reed Hastings che «è sempre più chiaro: in futuro, virtualmente tutto l'intrattenimento video arriverà attraverso Internet». Il servizio di streaming sarà lanciato in Australia e Nuova Zelanda entro marzo, ma è indubbio, dopo essere stato rinviato più volte, che Netflix abbia nei piani anche l'ingresso in Italia essendo già arrivato in Francia e Germania. L'iniezione di fiducia, come detto, arriva dai dati: nonostante l'incremento degli abbonati stia rallentando negli Usa, l'espansione all'estero sta dando più frutti di quelli sperati. Negli Stati Uniti Netflix ha aggiunto 1,9 milioni di abbonati nell'ultimo trimestre dell'anno, arrivando a un totale di 39,1 milioni, mentre nello stesso periodo di un anno prima era riuscito ad averne 2,3 milioni in più. Hastings, però, ha parlato di uno «sviluppo naturale», in questo mercato, rifi utando di giustifi care il rallentamento con l'aumento di prezzo degli abbonamenti dello scorso anno. Di questo passo comunque, anche se più lentamente, secondo il ceo Netfl ix arriverà a essere presente in 90 milioni di case americane. Nei mercati Netflix ha quindi oggi 57,4 milioni di abbonati, in crescita del 29,4% su un anno prima, e ricavi per tutto il 2014 a 5,5 miliardi di dollari (4,7 miliardi di euro, +25%), con un picco nell'ultimo trimestre di 1,48 miliardi di dollari di ricavi (+35,7%). Per giunta, la società è in utile: 266,8 milioni nei 12 mesi (più che raddoppiati sui 112,4 milioni del 2013), nonostante gli investimenti per l'espansione. Ovviamente gli utili arrivano soprattutto dagli Usa e dai paesi in cui l'offerta è già rodata come il Regno Unito, ma la scommessa di Hastings è comunque di mantenere la società profittevole pur con lo sforzo finanziario necessario per portarla in altri 150 Paesi. Gli investimenti, comunque, non serviranno solo per questo. Netflix, infatti, è intenzionata a produrre per il prossimo anno 320 ore di contenuti originali, fra cui le nuove stagioni di House of cards, Orange is the new black, Marco Polo. Si tratta del triplo di ore rispetto al 2014, ma secondo il ceo queste produzioni, pur costose, danno molti più ritorni rispetto agli acquisti dai produttori terzi.
internazionali, al contrario, la sorpresa: ci si aspettavano 2,15 milioni di abbonati in più per gli ultimi tre mesi del 2014 e ne sono arrivati 2,43 milioni, per un totale di 18,3 milioni. Nel complesso, in Usa e fuori,
GOSSIP - Toh, beccati la "Good Wife" Michelle Obama! La First Lady indossa lo stesso abito della Margulies al discorso dell'Unione... 
Michelle Obama rocks the same suit as Julianna MarguliesThe Good Wife character Alicia Florrick while attending President Obama‘s State of the Union speech in the House chamber of the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday (January 20) in Washington, DC. The 51-year-old First Lady’s fashion choice got the internet buzzing since it was the exact suit that Julianne wore for an episode of The Good Wife.

mercoledì 21 gennaio 2015

NEWS - Clamoroso al Cibali! Lo spin-off di "The Walkind Dead" s'intitolerà "Cobalt" (?), si trasferisce a Los Angeles e "sarà molto diverso"! Spoiler: gli script del pilot ("Fear The Walking Dead")

News tratta da
Robert Kirkman is on record as saying that The Walking Dead companion series (working title, Cobalt) will be very “different.” In fact, he’s very adamant about how different the companion series will be. But besides a different setting (Los Angeles) and different characters, how will the series be different?

(Minor Spoilers Below)
A clue to that has arrived in the form of excerpts from the original pilot script for the companion series (via Bleedingcool), which is called Fear the Walking Dead, which may either be the name of the pilot episode or the actual name of the series. The interesting part about the pilot episode, however, is that it goes back to when the outbreak began, before anyone understood exactly what was going on. Here are the excerpts from that pilot script (dated September 2014) that clue us in on the origin story, so to speak, from the perspective of a dysfunctional family:

So, basically, the outbreak is happening, and no one realizes that zombies exist yet. Essentially, it looks like they are covering what happened in the world (or at least, in Los Angeles) while Rick was in his coma in the pilot episode of The Walking Dead.
That is a different and interesting take, and I’m curious as to how long the companion series will spend on the initial outbreak. Will the bulk of the series, the first few episodes, or just the pilot deal with the immediate fall-out, before everyone was either killed or scattered? Or will the companion series quickly deal with that and move it along to the aftermath of the outbreak?
I feel like we already have a series set during the aftermath. It would be more compelling to explore the days and weeks before everything went completely to hell, and maybe even get a glimpse into how the virus spread (or, possibly, a clue as to the origin of the virus).

martedì 20 gennaio 2015

L'EDICOLA DI LOU - Stralci, cover e commenti sui telefilm dai media italiani e stranieri

IL VENERDI de La Repubblica
"Person of Interest", l'avanguardia delle mancate certezze
"Per una serie tv, l'arrivo di ogni nuova stagione ha qualcosa di rassicurante. Signifca che c'è ancora forza e disponibilità per un teleflm a metà tra thriller e azione, girato benissimo, con il pubblico ormai affezionato ai protagonisti. Person of Interest (la quarta stagione inedita per l'Italia da domenica in prima serata su Premium Crime) era nata da suggestioni forti, lanciando l'identità di serie tv immersa nelle paranoie post-11 settembre, in particolare per quanto riguarda l'uso da parte di governi, o di altre potenti organizzazioni, di tecnologie primarie e d'avanguardia per controllare tutto e tutti. Alla Minority Report . La diferenza è che veniva usata, la tecnologia in questione, a fn di bene, in quanto gestita da un gruppo di simil-supereroi, guidati dall'attempato nerd Mr. Finch (Michael Emerson), a sua volta affancato dal braccio, Mr. Reese (Jim Caviezel), che all'occorenza picchiava e sparava alla perfezione. In una New York sospesa ma più che reale, tra crimini grandi e piccoli, la Macchina agiva per il bene. Ora, con l'afevolirsi delle istanze da panico per la propria privacy (e probabilmente con la scoperta, via social network, che la stragrande maggioranza degli umani ha in realtà una voglia matta di farsi spiare) la faccenda ha preso strade limitrofe, ora le Macchine sono due nel senso che è arrivata quella cattiva, i nostri eroi hanno dovuto riparare in un anfratto abbandonato della metro e creare una sede di fortuna. Signifca che Person si appresta a vivere sempre più d'altro, ovvero della funzionalità assoluta del quartetto di protagonisti - ai due si sono afancati nel tempo due energiche e molto interessanti ragazze dall'oscuro passato - e nella defnizione sempre più difcile, da riscoprire a ogni episodio, di quali siano le vere forze del bene in campo. La serie, con il dovuto ritardo, passa ormai da anni anche in chiaro su Italia 1, con buoni ascolti e abbondanti repliche. Ed è forse l'unico prodotto davvero azzeccato dopo Lost che arriva dalla casa di produzione di J.J. Abrams". (Antonio Dipollina, 16.01.2015)

lunedì 19 gennaio 2015

NEWS - Netflix, la regina dello SVOD: quasi 8 ore alla settimana tra i suoi abbonati (Hulu poco più di 4, quasi la metà). La 3° stagione di "OITNB" più attesa di quella di "House of Cards" (64% vs. 59%)

News tratta da "Variety"
Netflix, for now, continues to be the clear and undisputed champ in the subscription video-on-demand ring. The SVOD service, No. 1 in terms of subscribers, leads in terms of hours of content viewed and overall customer satisfaction, according to a recent survey by Wall Street firm Cowen & Co. The research is based on a survey of 1,025 consumers conducted from Dec. 30, 2014, to Jan. 2, 2015. About 40% said they’re current Netflix subscribers.
Netflix customers reported watching an average of 7.7 hours of content per week — 1.9 times the nearest competitor, Hulu Plus, which came in at 4.1 hours. On a weekly basis, Amazon Prime Instant Video users reported viewing 3.5 hours, versus HBO Go with 3 hours and Showtime Anytime with 2.7 hours, the survey found.
In addition, Netflix was head and shoulders above other SVOD services — as well as pay TV — on customer satisfaction. On a 1-5 scale asking about user experience, Netflix received a 4.1 ranking, 22% ahead of Amazon Prime Instant Video and HBO Go (both at 3.4); cable/satellite providers (3.2); Showtime Anytime (2.9); and Hulu Plus (2.9).
The Cowen analysts, led by John Blackledge, on Friday upgraded Netflix to “outperform” (from prior “market perform”) based on the survey results, including optimism about the company’s 2015 originals slate. The Wall Street firm raised its price target on the stock from $360 to $382 per share. As of 12 p.m. ET, Netflix shares were up 2.4% for the day, to $331.40 per share.
According to the survey, of the current crop of Netflix originals, subs are most looking forward to the third seasons of “Orange Is the New Black” and “House of Cards,” with 64% and 59%, respectively, saying they plan to tune in. “HoC” Season 3 is slated to drop Feb. 27; “OITNB” is expected to return this summer.
Other top Netflix offerings that users said they expect want to watch, per the Cowen survey, included Disney/Marvel’s “Daredevil” series (17%), set to debut April 10; the fourth season of “Longmire,” the A&E crime drama Netflix picked up last fall (16%); and Netflix’s first original movie, the sequel to “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” from Weinstein Co. set for August 2015 (16%).
The survey also found that Netflix’s “Marco Polo,” which debuted in December 2014, has performed well. Roughly 14% of Netflix subs watched at least one episode of the historical drama, compared with about 10% who watched at least one episode of “House of Cards” within the first 10 days of its release. According to the Cowen survey, 65% of subs rated “Marco Polo” as “good” or “exceptional” (4 or 5 on a scale of 1-5).
The Wall Street firm also polled Netflix subscribers about whether they’d be willing to continue subscribing to the service if there was a price hike. Netflix announced a price increase in May 2014 for new subscribers to its most popular plan — by $1 per month, to $8.99 — but said existing subs would not be affected for two years.
On Cowen’s most recent survey, 62% said they would continue to pay for Netflix after a price increase. Of those, 21% said they would be willing to pay $3 or more per month (vs. 18% in Cowen’s February 2013 survey and 9% in its July 2013 survey). However, the Cowen analysts wrote, “Our survey data suggests pricing power among current NFLX subscribers, who are active users and appreciate the original content, but may not extend to non-subs contemplating signing up for the service.”
Netflix is scheduled to report fourth quarter 2014 results on Jan. 20 after market close.

"Il trivial game + divertente dell'anno" (Lucca Comics)

"Il trivial game + divertente dell'anno" (Lucca Comics)
Il GIOCO DEI TELEFILM di Leopoldo Damerini e Fabrizio Margaria, nei migliori negozi di giocattoli: un viaggio lungo 750 domande divise per epoche e difficoltà. Sfida i tuoi amici/parenti/partner/amanti e diventa Telefilm Master. Disegni originali by Silver. Regolamento di Luca Borsa. E' un gioco Ghenos Games.

Lick it or Leave it!

Lick it or Leave it!