TELEFILM ART - "American Gods" di Bryan Fuller è già uno spettacolo dal concept art...
The long-developing American Gods TV show
got to take a big leap forward this week when Starz announced it had
officially greenlit the show. But even so, it’s going to be a while
before we’re actually sitting down to watch the first episode. They’ve
barely started casting, let alone shooting.
So in the meantime, series co-creator Bryan Fuller has offered up a tiny taste of the upcoming series in the form of some concept art. And for what it’s worth, author Neil Gaiman wholeheartedly approves of his story’s new look. See the first American Gods concept art after the jump.
Fuller shared the American Gods
concept art on Twitter. The top one looks more like a poster, while the
second one appears to be actual concept art. Fuller credits Jim Carson with illustrating the latter.
sabato 20 giugno 2015
venerdì 19 giugno 2015
NEWS - Breaking...Saul! Bryan Cranston sarà in "Better Call Saul"!
News tratta da
While Vince Gilligan is surely tempted to end every episode of Better Call Saul with his characters standing around asking “Where’s Walter White?” he’s somehow resisted, and the show has been better off for it. Still, Albuquerque is a small town, and it’s likely that Jimmy will run into Heisenberg at the door-knocker store at some point. Probably not in Season 2, but soon.
News tratta da
While Vince Gilligan is surely tempted to end every episode of Better Call Saul with his characters standing around asking “Where’s Walter White?” he’s somehow resisted, and the show has been better off for it. Still, Albuquerque is a small town, and it’s likely that Jimmy will run into Heisenberg at the door-knocker store at some point. Probably not in Season 2, but soon.
Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan has confirmed that his anti-hero, Walter White, will make an appearance on the AMC show’s spinoff, Better Call Saul.The funny thing about being the creator of a show is: You can do that. If you want Walter White to show up, or have Mike become a circus clown, or give Jimmy a fetching new hat, or see how Kim Wexler would do as a professional dune-buggy racer, you can, because you’re their God. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and turns lawyers into dune-buggy racers.
“It would be great to see Walter White on Better Call Saul,” Gilligan told the Daily News. “It would be a shame if the show had its run — hopefully a very long run — and he never appeared. I have to be coy…All of the wonderful characters who may eventually appear on Better Call Saul will appear when it is most organic and fitting to the storytelling of Better Call Saul and also when we can work out scheduling issues with actors,” he said.
“I would love to see that personally.” (Via New York Daily News)
giovedì 18 giugno 2015
GOSSIP - Clamoroso al Cibali! Norman Reedus e Emily Kinney di "TWD" fidanzati?
Is Norman Reedus dating or not his former The Walking Dead co-star Emily Kinney? His rep confirms to “We can confirm that they are not dating,” the rep told us. Fans have been going wild over the news after it was rumored that the two actors, whose characters Daryl and Beth grew very close on the series, were dating in real life. “They had a connection early on in the show,” a source had told Us Weekly, “but the romance developed recently. They’re still pretty guarded about it.” Did you think Norman Reedus and Emily Kinney were a real couple?
Is Norman Reedus dating or not his former The Walking Dead co-star Emily Kinney? His rep confirms to “We can confirm that they are not dating,” the rep told us. Fans have been going wild over the news after it was rumored that the two actors, whose characters Daryl and Beth grew very close on the series, were dating in real life. “They had a connection early on in the show,” a source had told Us Weekly, “but the romance developed recently. They’re still pretty guarded about it.” Did you think Norman Reedus and Emily Kinney were a real couple?
mercoledì 17 giugno 2015
SGUARDO FETISH - Che Trono di Pene (nel vero senso della parola)! In vendita su Ebay a 650 sterline il posto dove sedersi per entrare nel
Duncan Lindsay for
Duncan Lindsay for
versione erotica del Trono di Spade del regno di Westeros è in vendita
su Ebay. Il “trono di cazzi” è diventato famoso per essere apparso su
Twitter prima che un utente, Ralph, lo vincesse e se lo trovasse
recapitato davanti alla porta di casa. Ora,
se non avete paura di sedervi su 200 cazzi di ferro, lo potete comprare
“usato” su Ebay per 650 sterline. Ah, L’articolo va ritirato
personalmente e si trova a Londra. Non avete voglia di appoggiarci sopra
le chiappe?! L’annuncio su Ebay dice: “Non è un sogno, questo incredibile trono di
falli può essere vostro. È alto 1,80 metri, largo 1,20 e profondo 1. Se
state organizzando un festino a luci rosse, se gestite un night club o
se semplicemente volete possederlo, non perdete l’occasione”.
martedì 16 giugno 2015
NEWS - Clamoroso al Cibali! Spunta il progetto (malsano) de "La storia non autorizzata di 'Beverly Hills 90210'"
News tratta da "Huffington Post"
Lifetime wants to show you what really happened behind the scenes of all your favorite shows.
Hot on the heels of Lifetime's "The Unauthorized 'Full House' Story" comes "The Unauthorized 'Beverly Hills, 90210' Story," according to The Hollywood Reporter
Anyone who watched the series, which aired for 10 seasons throughout the '90s, knows that just as much drama went down off-screen for many of the cast members as it did for their characters at the Peach Pit each week. Perhaps this could finally be a story in Lifetime's "Unauthorized" series that may actually be worth being told. According to Lifetime, the made-for-TV movie will specifically focus on the show's first four seasons, "highlighting the drama between cast members and producers both on- and off-set, including the series' journey from several near-cancellations to its massive success and imprint in the cultural zeitgeist and lasting impression it has made on millions of people to this day."Again, we hope it's just as campy and gloriously unwatchable as last year's "Unauthorized 'Saved by the Bell' Story."
News tratta da "Huffington Post"
Lifetime wants to show you what really happened behind the scenes of all your favorite shows.
Hot on the heels of Lifetime's "The Unauthorized 'Full House' Story" comes "The Unauthorized 'Beverly Hills, 90210' Story," according to The Hollywood Reporter
Anyone who watched the series, which aired for 10 seasons throughout the '90s, knows that just as much drama went down off-screen for many of the cast members as it did for their characters at the Peach Pit each week. Perhaps this could finally be a story in Lifetime's "Unauthorized" series that may actually be worth being told. According to Lifetime, the made-for-TV movie will specifically focus on the show's first four seasons, "highlighting the drama between cast members and producers both on- and off-set, including the series' journey from several near-cancellations to its massive success and imprint in the cultural zeitgeist and lasting impression it has made on millions of people to this day."Again, we hope it's just as campy and gloriously unwatchable as last year's "Unauthorized 'Saved by the Bell' Story."
lunedì 15 giugno 2015
ANTEPRIMA - Mediaset-te-te! Dal 23 giugno nasce Premium Stories. Premium Crime+Action in HD e +24
23 giugno nasce PREMIUM
STORIES. E’ il nuovo canale dedicato alle serie tv che si rivolge a donne e
uomini 18-54enni, esplorando le sfumature, le declinazioni e le ibridazioni che
le serie possono offrire: dal medical di “Night
Shift”, al prison dramedy già cult “Orange
is the new Black”, alle spy stories di “Allegiance” e “State of
Affairs” (nuove serie Universal: la prima con protagonisti una coppia
sposata di ex spie russe; la seconda con Katherine
Heigl, la dottoressa Stevens di Grey’s Anatomy, impegnata anche in veste di
produttrice), al family unconventional “Satisfaction”
(altra nuova serie Universal) fino ad arrivare ai light drama di “Mysteries of Laura” (nuova serie Warner
con Debra Messing di
“Will&Grace”) e al light romance di “Girlfriend
‘s guide to divorce” con Lisa
Edelstein di “Dr. House” o alla serie con venature soap “Chasing Life” (da un format messicano
di successo). Tra gli altri titoli in cartellone a breve: la 5° stagione
inedita di “Shameless”, la 6°
inedita di “Pretty Little Liars”, la
7° inedita di “Royal Pains”…
Dal 23 giugno
PREMIUM CRIME e PREMIUM ACTION saranno visibili in HD e versione +24.
Premium Crime è il canale dei polizieschi.
Offre sia la “detection” che le storie d’azione, senza però mai spingersi verso
la commedia e mantenendosi su personaggi narrativamente complessi e
psicologicamente contrastati, situazioni di frontiera (bene vs male, legge vs
giustizia, vendetta vs perdono) e ambientazioni e tematiche sempre piuttosto
dure. Si rivolge a un pubblico di età compresa tra i 25 e i 54 anni. Il filone
dominante è il cosiddetto “procedural”, caratterizzato dalla lotta contro il
tempo per individuare e incastrare il colpevole, prima che fugga, uccida di
nuovo o elimini prove e testimoni. A questo filone appartengono sia i prodotti
più “femminili”, come “Major Crimes”,
“The Mentalist”, “Murder in the first” e “Rizzoli&Isles”, sia quelli più
violenti (e, a tratti, morbosi), come “Special
Victims Unit”, “The Following” e
“Hannibal”, senza contare le due
maggiori novità dell’Autunno 2015: “100
code” e “Stalker”. Il prodotto
attualmente più noto e rappresentativo è “Person
of Interest”, interessante anche perché, con una buona dose di azione e
adrenalina, esplora la frontiera tra tecnologie investigative attuali e
Action è il
canale dell’azione a 360 gradi. Si rivolge al pubblico dei teen e dei
18-54enni. Nel palinsesto 2015/2016 aggiungerà alla sua già variegata tavolozza
un altro importante colore: il nero dell’horror e del soprannaturale. Accanto
alle conferme e alle novità, che riguardano fantascienza (“The 100”), azione (“Chicago Fire
3” e i nuovi “Undercover” e “American Odissey“), cappa e spada (“Musketeers 2”) e le trasposizioni
televisive dei grandi classici del fumetto DC Comics (“Arrow 4”, “Gotham 2” e
il nuovo “IZombie”), proseguiranno
su Action anche gli horror teen “The
Vampire diaries” e “The Originals”.
JOI è il canale del buonumore, la cui missione, come
sottolinea il pay-off “La Tv a colori”,
è quella di offrire al pubblico divertimento, relax e nuove energie. Si rivolge
a un pubblico di 18-34enni. La sua offerta attraversa ed esplora tutti i colori
della comicità: dalla commedia sentimentale (“Hart of Dixie”) a quella demenziale (“DeadBeat”, novità dell’Autunno 2015), da quella familiare e
caustica (“Mom”, “Baby Daddy”, “Mike & Molly”, “The
Middle”, “Due uomini e mezzo”) a
quella più raffinata e narrativamente avanzata (“2 Broke Girls”, “Parks &
Recreation”) fino al vero e proprio “cult” del canale, “The Big Bang Theory”, esclusiva JOI fino al 2020.
Chasing Life,
Girlfriend's guide to divorce,
Orange is the new Black,
State of Affairs,
The Big Bang Theory,
The Mysteries of Laura
SGUARDO FETISH - Gr-hair's Anatomy! Camilla Luddington confessa: "attratta dai capelli di McDreamy"!
Camilla Luddington is looking sexy as ever on the cover of Line Magazine‘s new issue, on newsstands June 15.
Here is what the 31-year-old Grey’s Anatomy actress had to share with the mag, shared exclusively with
On whether she prefers Dr. McDreamy or Dr. McSteamy: “I was always a McDreamy fan…maybe it’s the hair.”
On one of her best on-set memories from Grey’s Anatomy: “There’s a period where Jo and Alex tease their romance for an entire season. The first kiss was very special to me cause I was rooting for them all season. They are best friends on the show. Justin Chambers and I would even ask the writers, ‘When are Alex and Jo getting together? We know they’re meant to be together!’ It was a really great memory. I loved that moment for her.”
On what she would be doing if she wasn’t acting: “I would want to be a ghost hunter because I am obsessed with those shows. I don’t know why I say that cause I’m so scared of ghosts and wouldn’t last five minutes, but in my head I would be amazing. In reality, I would be out of there in two minutes!”
On exciting projects currently in the works: “I am about to film The Healer with Oliver Jackson Cohen. It’s a romantic comedy filming this summer and should be out next year. I also have a top-secret project that I can’t talk about…Stay tuned!”
For more from Camilla, visit!
Camilla Luddington is looking sexy as ever on the cover of Line Magazine‘s new issue, on newsstands June 15.
Here is what the 31-year-old Grey’s Anatomy actress had to share with the mag, shared exclusively with
On whether she prefers Dr. McDreamy or Dr. McSteamy: “I was always a McDreamy fan…maybe it’s the hair.”
On one of her best on-set memories from Grey’s Anatomy: “There’s a period where Jo and Alex tease their romance for an entire season. The first kiss was very special to me cause I was rooting for them all season. They are best friends on the show. Justin Chambers and I would even ask the writers, ‘When are Alex and Jo getting together? We know they’re meant to be together!’ It was a really great memory. I loved that moment for her.”
On what she would be doing if she wasn’t acting: “I would want to be a ghost hunter because I am obsessed with those shows. I don’t know why I say that cause I’m so scared of ghosts and wouldn’t last five minutes, but in my head I would be amazing. In reality, I would be out of there in two minutes!”
On exciting projects currently in the works: “I am about to film The Healer with Oliver Jackson Cohen. It’s a romantic comedy filming this summer and should be out next year. I also have a top-secret project that I can’t talk about…Stay tuned!”
For more from Camilla, visit!
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