Per il lungo ponte del 25aprile/1maggio cosa c'è di meglio che tirar fuori il #GIOCOdeiTELEFILM e fare una partita?…
— Gioco dei Telefilm ® (@GiocoTelefilm) 25 aprile 2013
venerdì 26 aprile 2013
mercoledì 24 aprile 2013
PICCOLO GRANDE SCHERMO - Novità sui film di "Una mamma per amica" e "Chuck". E Zachary Levi e Alexis Bledel se la intendono sullo stesso set...
Articolo e intervista tratti dall'"Huffington Post"
What's it like to fall in love with someone over and over again every single day? Alexis Bledel and Zachary Levi can tell you -- it's the premise of their new Hallmark movie "Remember Sunday."
The film tells the story of Gus (Levi), a man who lost his short-term memory in an accident and finds himself repeatedly falling in love with Molly (Bledel).
"There's a lot of heart in it, which I would hope you would find in a Hallmark movie. That's what they're about ... appealing to people and where they are in life, and those kinds of themes that are very common -- not common as in boring, but common as in we all share them," Levi told The Huffington Post. "And while we don't all share short-term memory loss, we do all share love, relationships and struggling through issues that may be unique."
The "Gilmore Girls" alum and "Chuck" alum took a few minutes to talk to HuffPost TV via phone about "Remember Sunday" and, of course, whether either of their earlier hit series could ever become a movie, a la "Veronica Mars."
"Remember Sunday" has a "50 First Dates" quality to it. What about that theme was appealing for you in choosing to do this movie?
Alexis Bledel: When I read the script I felt like the characters were really well drawn out. They're really great counterparts for each other, and I really cared about what happened to each of them. So that was the draw for me.
Zachary Levi: For me, playing someone with short-term memory loss was an interesting challenge. I loved the idea of falling in love with someone over and over again and what that's like.
I know there's been fan chatter about a "Gilmore Girls" and a "Chuck" movie ever since the "Veronica Mars" success with Kickstarter. Alexis, would you be interested in a "Glimore Girls" movie?
Bledel: I don't know. It feels like such a long time ago to me now, and I love the way they wrapped up the series. I loved our last episode, so I don't know. I haven't heard about them making one recently.
What about you, Zachary? Is a "Chuck" movie going to happen?
Levi: I believe that entertainment is just in this incredible place. I think we're kind of entering into a new chapter of artists, consumers, development, distribution and marketing. Technology has literally just turned on its head, and I want to take advantage of that to create a more direct line from the artist to the consumer and foster those relationships and make great content for people. If I can start with a "Chuck" movie -- because I think that would be a really funny thing to do -- that would be great.
Have you actually talked to the co-creators about it?
Levi: We have a meeting on the books. We're gonna try to get that done ASAP.
Articolo e intervista tratti dall'"Huffington Post"
What's it like to fall in love with someone over and over again every single day? Alexis Bledel and Zachary Levi can tell you -- it's the premise of their new Hallmark movie "Remember Sunday."
The film tells the story of Gus (Levi), a man who lost his short-term memory in an accident and finds himself repeatedly falling in love with Molly (Bledel).
"There's a lot of heart in it, which I would hope you would find in a Hallmark movie. That's what they're about ... appealing to people and where they are in life, and those kinds of themes that are very common -- not common as in boring, but common as in we all share them," Levi told The Huffington Post. "And while we don't all share short-term memory loss, we do all share love, relationships and struggling through issues that may be unique."
The "Gilmore Girls" alum and "Chuck" alum took a few minutes to talk to HuffPost TV via phone about "Remember Sunday" and, of course, whether either of their earlier hit series could ever become a movie, a la "Veronica Mars."
"Remember Sunday" has a "50 First Dates" quality to it. What about that theme was appealing for you in choosing to do this movie?
Alexis Bledel: When I read the script I felt like the characters were really well drawn out. They're really great counterparts for each other, and I really cared about what happened to each of them. So that was the draw for me.
Zachary Levi: For me, playing someone with short-term memory loss was an interesting challenge. I loved the idea of falling in love with someone over and over again and what that's like.
I know there's been fan chatter about a "Gilmore Girls" and a "Chuck" movie ever since the "Veronica Mars" success with Kickstarter. Alexis, would you be interested in a "Glimore Girls" movie?
Bledel: I don't know. It feels like such a long time ago to me now, and I love the way they wrapped up the series. I loved our last episode, so I don't know. I haven't heard about them making one recently.
What about you, Zachary? Is a "Chuck" movie going to happen?
Levi: I believe that entertainment is just in this incredible place. I think we're kind of entering into a new chapter of artists, consumers, development, distribution and marketing. Technology has literally just turned on its head, and I want to take advantage of that to create a more direct line from the artist to the consumer and foster those relationships and make great content for people. If I can start with a "Chuck" movie -- because I think that would be a really funny thing to do -- that would be great.
Have you actually talked to the co-creators about it?
Levi: We have a meeting on the books. We're gonna try to get that done ASAP.
lunedì 22 aprile 2013
ESCLUSIVA - Almeno 3 stagioni per #TheFollowing!… @premiumcrime stasera nuova anteprima
— QuiMediaset (@QuiMediaset_it) 22 aprile 2013

LA VITA E' UNA COSA SERIAL - Se anche Beppe Grillo entra nel Tardis...
La vicenda ha del fantascientifico se non fosse tragica. Partiamo dai fatti. Sabato 20 aprile si consuma l'ennesima votazione Presidenziale che porta alfine alla riconferma pressochè congiunta dell'highlander Giorgio Napolitano. Fuori, in piazza, a Montecitorio, una folla di più di grillini che di altri rivendica la scelta di Rodotà, colui che anni fa, in nome del diritto alla privacy voleva imbavagliare il diritto di cronaca (memorabile la sua lotta contro i "fuori onda" di "Striscia la notizia", soprattutto se riguardanti politici in auge). La scelta di MacLeod Napolitano scatena l'insurrezione. Beppe Grillo, da Udine, lancia strali di presunto "golpe" e minaccia di calare a Roma. Qui inizia la tragedia, e non riguarda la politica o gli schieramenti. Dapprima gli organi d'informazione annunciano l'arrivo del Beppe furioso a Roma verso le 19.00. L'annuncio di Grillo da Udine, con tanto di hashtag arringa-folla #tuttiaRoma, è postato alle 16.25 sul suo blog. Lo stesso leader del Movimento 5 Stelle chiosa che arriverà in camper. Bastano due conti, anche al più sprovveduto giornalista, per capire che, a meno che Grillo non abbia acquistato una versione 2.0 del Tardis, è praticamente impossibile che riesca a essere a Montecitorio per le 19.00. Sul sito della Michelin, per dire, nel percorso più breve Udine-Roma (via Bologna), ci vogliono 6 ore e 51 minuti. Metti una sosta in autogrill per sbaffarsi un Fattoria e svuotare le olive, 7 ore nette. In macchina: in camper qualcosa di più, magari. E sempre entro i limiti di velocità (vuoi mai che Grillo si faccia dare una multa in una circostanza simile!). Tant'è che dopo qualche minuto, Sky in testa annuncia che l'arrivo sarebbe stato posticipato alle 21.00 (che si sia rinunciato al Fattoria per un veloce passaggio da McDrive???). Nessuno controlla i termini dell''impossibile viaggio spazio-temporale, privilegiando piuttosto la possibile minaccia di violenze in piazza che non ci saranno mai. Doctor GrillWho annuncia più tardi che a Roma arriverà di notte. Di stare tutti calmi. Così sarà. Meglio Tardis che mai. (Leo Damerini)
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Il GIOCO DEI TELEFILM di Leopoldo Damerini e Fabrizio Margaria, nei migliori negozi di giocattoli: un viaggio lungo 750 domande divise per epoche e difficoltà. Sfida i tuoi amici/parenti/partner/amanti e diventa Telefilm Master. Disegni originali by Silver. Regolamento di Luca Borsa. E' un gioco Ghenos Games.
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