sabato 18 gennaio 2014
venerdì 17 gennaio 2014
Joshua Jackson's #TheAffair' Picked Up by #Showtime! via @JustJared #tvseries
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 16 Gennaio 2014
giovedì 16 gennaio 2014
'American Horror Story': Season 4 will be set in the year [SPOILER] -- EXCLUSIVE #AHS #tvseries #serietv #telefilm
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 16 Gennaio 2014
#VeronicaMars’ Gets Web Series Spinoff via @Variety #tvseries #serietv #telefilm
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 16 Gennaio 2014
'How I Met Your Mother' Creators Apologize For Racism In 'Slapsgiving' Episode via @HuffPostTV #HIMYM #tvseries
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 16 Gennaio 2014
Benjamin Bratt Joins #Fox's #24 Revival via @THR #tvseries #serietv #telefilm
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 16 Gennaio 2014
#WonderWoman Prequel #Amazon' Dead at #CW via @THR #tvseries #serietv #telefilm
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 16 Gennaio 2014
#NBC Orders Anchorman-esque Comedy From Will Ferrell via @tvguide #tvseries #serietv #telefilm
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 16 Gennaio 2014
40 anni di #HappyDays. Scopri quante ne sai sul telefilm cult col @GiocoTelefilm. Parola di Fonzie, hey!
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 15 Gennaio 2014
#ABC orders racial drama pilot from '12 Years a Slave' writer
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 15 Gennaio 2014
ANTEPRIMA - Siamo davvero sicuri di sapere chi siamo?
#OrphanBlack in anteprima su @Premium_Action a maggio.
— QuiMediaset (@QuiMediaset_it) 15 Gennaio 2014
#TrueDetective' ratings: #HBO's biggest series premiere in years! #tvseries #serietv #telefilm
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 14 Gennaio 2014
La vera notizia non colta dei #GoldenGlobes è la candidatura di @haydenpanettier.
— Leo Damerini (@LeoDamerini) 14 Gennaio 2014
mercoledì 15 gennaio 2014

Aaron Paul, "dopo Breaking Bad voglio essere anche nello spin-off!"
Aaron Paul looks cool on the cover of Details magazine’s February 2014 issue.
Here’s what the 34-year-old actor had to share with the mag:
On meeting his wife Lauren Parsekian at Coachella: “Not on drugs…normally, I drink a lot at those festivals. But we were just so distracted with the high that was happening between us. It’s unexplainable. I told her that night I was going to marry her. I did. I told her that. I knew what she was all about. I mean, come on, she runs an anti-bullying nonprofit called Kind Campaign.”

On pleading for his character Jesse on Breaking Bad: “I wrote an e-mail to Vince before we started shooting the final eight episodes—a plea for Jesse, a love letter. I never give my two cents when it comes to Breaking Bad, because why would I? I’m just the actor, and what they’re doing is perfect, you know? But I just felt like I would always regret it if I didn’t at least throw them a pitch on how I wanted Jesse to go out. So I gave a few different ideas of how I thought he would kill himself. I didn’t want anybody else taking his life. The letter was awful. It was very morbid, and I’m so happy they didn’t listen. I’d rather Jesse just kind of ride off into the sunset like he did.”
For more from Aaron, visit
martedì 14 gennaio 2014
Zach Galifianakis cast in Louis CK pilot on #FX #tvseries #serietv #telefilm
— AccademiaTelefilm (@AcademyTelefilm) 14 Gennaio 2014

Non solo addominali: Manganiello for fashion!
Joe Manganiello is seriously handsome on the cover of Bello magazine’s January 2014 issue, which is available now!
Here’s what the 37-year-old actor had to share with the mag:
On going to the gym: “There are so many things that are out of your control in this business, and I think in life in general. And one of the things that I really do have in my control is how hard, how much effort I put into the gym. There’s really nothing else on the planet – nothing that I’ve come across – that gives you as much back as you put in as the gym does.”
On being committed to his work: “Talent is such an objective thing; it’s up for opinion, and it’s up for interpretation. And the one thing that’s not is work ethic. I think that’s probably just from growing up in Pittsburg, coming from where I did, and in that part of the world, you work hard. I come from very hard working people, and I know the value of a dollar. So if someone’s going to pay me a certain amount of money to do something, then I’m going to work my ass off. Especially playing a supernatural creature – I think [Alcide] should look that way. As a kid watching all those movies and reading comic books, the chance for me to play a supernatural character…I want him to look right.”
On the final season of his hit show True Blood: “This is the first season that I actually don’t know what’s in store for me or anyone else on the show. I didn’t ask. I usually have lunch with whoever the show runner is before the season starts. I would always call them up, wanting to know. But this year I think I want to be surprised. I have theories, you know, but I don’t know anything for sure.”
For more on Joe, visit!
lunedì 13 gennaio 2014

Best Actor in a TV series – Drama
Liev Schreiber, “Ray Donovan”
Michael Sheen, “Masters of Sex”
Kevin Spacey, “House of Cards”
James Spader, “The Blacklist”
“Breaking Bad” *WINNER
“Downton Abbey”
“The Good Wife”
“House of Cards”
“Masters of Sex”
Rob Lowe, “Behind the Candelabra”
Aaron Paul, “Breaking Bad”
Corey Stoll, “House of Cards”
Jon Voight, “Ray Donovan” *WINNER
Tatiana Maslany, “Orphan Black”
Taylor Schilling, “Orange is the New Black”
Kerry Washington, “Scandal”
Robin Wright, “House of Cards” *WINNER
Jason Bateman, “Arrested Development”
Don Cheadle, “House of Lies”
Michael J. Fox, “The Michael J. Fox Show”
Jim Parsons, “The Big Bang Theory”
Andy Samberg, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” *WINNER
Edie Falco, “Nurse Jackie”
Lena Dunham, “Girls”
Julia Louis Dreyfus, “Veep”
Amy Poehler, “Parks and Recreation” *WINNER
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” *WINNER
“Modern Family”
“Parks and Recreation”
Janet McTeer, “The White Queen”
Hayden Panettiere, “Nashville”
Monica Potter, “Parenthood”
Sofia Vergara, “Modern Family”
domenica 12 gennaio 2014
Netflix: The Red Menace
Just when Hollywood thought it had Netflix figured out, that "red envelope" company flipped the script, creating a playbook for any business that aspires to upend an industry. It's about to do it again.
The Oscar-winning thespian looks like a politician, his hair perfectly in place and his suit a somber charcoal. He emotes like a politician, too, as he launches into a withering takedown of the traditional way that Hollywood makes television, lambasting everything from the pilot process to TV executives ("those network people") who are always "sticking their fingers in creative decisions and having opinions about everything." And like the scheming pol he plays on House of Cards, the Netflix drama whose first season debuted in February 2013 and for which Spacey earned an Emmy nomination, Spacey offers his speech in silky soundbites uttered in his perfect, Juilliard-trained diction. It's the sweet sound of impending doom.

Spacey hasn't always been so passionate about the future of TV--or even about Netflix. Indeed, back in early 2011, when House of Cards director David Fincher called him at his Malibu home with the news that Netflix was offering to guarantee to make and air a mind-boggling two seasons of the show without a pilot (at a widely reported $100 million), Spacey turned to his producing partner, Dana Brunetti, and whispered, "Does that mean we're going straight to DVD?" Back then, Netflix was still that company that mailed DVDs of mostly indie flicks to its customers in those convenient red envelopes. Now Netflix is the hottest player in Hollywood. In the creative community that drives that town, Netflix has stolen a step on HBO, cable's most pedigreed channel.
To hear Hollywood types rave about Netflix these days, you'd half expect to hear that the new phrase is "It's not TV. It's Netflix." Everything that makes Netflix's programming distinctive--surrendering control to creators, releasing all episodes of a season at once, keeping its viewership data private rather than participate in the ratings game--is a modern twist on the original, universally admired HBO game plan. Netflix even has more U.S. subscribers than HBO, surpassing the venerable network last fall when it reached 31 million, versus HBO's 29 million.
But Netflix is doing more than threatening HBO--what really has Hollywood worried is that the company seems in a hurry to redefine the very rules of the entertainment industry. Its willingness to sign up shows for entire seasons without first ordering a pilot (the one-shot episodes that TV honchos have for decades demanded before backing a show) has forced network executives to rethink a system that has defined television since its inception. And as the company has rolled out House of Cards, season four of Arrested Development, and Orange Is the New Black, Netflix's stock has soared--it almost quadrupled between January and Thanksgiving 2013. "There have only been a half-dozen shows," gripes one media executive, "and yet to read the press and hear the comments, you would think Netflix had found the cure for cancer."
In case you're wondering, Netflix has not done that. In fact, it hasn't really even revamped Hollywood. Take that idea of dealing a death blow to HBO, or, as chief content officer Ted Sarandos told GQ, "to become HBO faster than HBO can become us." Netflix may have edged ahead of HBO in U.S. subscribers, but HBO makes some $1.7 billion in annual profits for parent company Time Warner, according to the media analyst SNL Kagan, versus the comparatively paltry $100 million Netflix is on track to report for 2013. The largely acclaimed shows that Netflix has licensed may have helped it add almost 4 million subs through the first nine months of 2013, but HBO owns the majority of its shows, giving it a long stream of ancillary revenue (selling rights to other networks, merchandise, and so forth) that Netflix can only dream of.

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