sabato 27 maggio 2017
venerdì 26 maggio 2017
NEWS - Achtung, compagni! Ecco perché il modello Netflix è più forte dei download illegali e degli hacker (suggerimento: argomento da tesi sul futuro dello streaming)
News tratta da "Decider"
News tratta da "Decider"
The Orange Is the New Black hack initially seemed like a very bad thing for Netflix. In late April, a hacker going by the name The Dark Overlord claimed to have illegally obtained several episodes of Orange Is the New Black’s fifth season, which they threatened to release online if Netflix failed to pay a ransom. Netflix didn’t pay, the episodes were released … and nothing really happened. So far, spoilers for Season 5 haven’t consumed the internet prior to its June 9 premiere, though I can say from personal experience it’s a very strong season. If anything, the hack may have boosted the show’s Google Trend results. In short, no one panicked about the Litchfield leak because Netflix has been turning torrenting into an unnecessary and risky way to watch television for years now. Of course, not all of the anti-online piracy applause should be given to Netflix. There are now a staggering amount of streaming services available to users no matter how specific their tastes. However, Netflix was the first company to lead quality television away from traditional time slots and to the internet, and it still remains the king of streaming, having more subscribers and accounting for more internet traffic than any other service. By making high-quality versions of beloved shows and movies available for a relatively low cost, streaming services have been destroying torrenting. BGR’s Yoni Heisler reported on the decline of torrenting, and how Netflix affected this trend, in 2015. According to data compiled by Sandvine, Netflix accounted for 37.05 percent of all internet traffic in North America when measured during peak hours. That 37 percent put Netflix ahead of Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, and iTunes when it came to streaming video. However, the most interesting takeaway from this report was its biggest loser — BitTorrent. According to Sandvine, the popular torrenting site’s traffic was down to only 5 percent at this time. That number dropped to 3 percent when Netflix released its Quarter 4 numbers for 2015. Considering that BitTorrent accounted for almost 33 percent of internet traffic in 2008 and 22 percent in 2011, that’s a huge drop. 2016 followed similar trends, according to Sandvine. While Netflix’s hold on internet traffic dipped from 37 percent to 35 percent, BitTorrent stayed at about 5 percent. In short, Hollywood is going the same direction as music industry. Illegally downloaded titles is no longer seen as the industry-ruining threat it used to be. Just like how iTunes helped kill Napster and services like Spotify and Pandora are wounding the same industry they’re helping, legal streaming services are the way of the future, for better or for worse. The industry cost of streaming is a debate for another time. What’s more interesting is how a system that allows users to download free content has gone from a driving force of internet traffic to borderline obsolete. Though there is no monetary exchange involved in illegally downloading shows and movies, there was always a cost to torrenting. Even the most streamlined torrenting process requires a certain level of computer knowledge, and even then, there is always a chance of downloading a virus instead of a copy of Spider-Man 2. That’s an especially big risk during a time when phishing and hacking schemes have become more sophisticated than ever before. Also, if you were able to find a clean copy, there’s always a chance the video or audio may be messed up, and then you have to account for the time it takes to download. That’s all for one movie or one episode of one show. Torrenting, though it was the illegal lifeblood of the internet, was always a detailed and exhausting process. In the wake of this, streaming looks like a godsend. Even the worst designed streaming service is easier to use than BitTorrent, and subscriptions to these services promise users high-quality versions to their favorite shows and movies at the click of a button. There are Reddit, Quora, and Yahoo Answers threads dedicated to wondering why anyone would pay for streaming and put up with Netflix’s revolving library instead of torrenting whatever they want for free. The answer always boils down to people being willing to pay for Netflix’s ease of use. So that brings me back to the leaked season of one of Netflix’s most popular shows. From a cursory search, it’s clear that many fans have decided to download this latest season instead of waiting to June 9. However, the vast majority haven’t, and those who have seem to be treating their experience as being part of the minority. The show’s official Reddit page, which has over 47,000 members, currently has a pinned thread from the moderators, laying down specific rules for the subreddit. Essentially, no one is allowed to ask for links, no one is allowed to discuss Season 5 unless they explicitly mark their thread as pertaining to the leaked season, and no official discussion threads will be allowed until the season’s official release date. This is a corner of the internet devoted to some of Orange Is the New Black’s most devoted and internet savvy fans. These leaks were for them, but this community is still respecting the wishes of the show, Netflix, fans who want to jump in early, and fans who want to wait. Netflix has created a system that’s too good of a deal to encourage mainstream torrenting. Sure, anyone could download Netflix shows for free, but for less than $10 a month, a user (or group of users) could have access to the service’s entire library of content and enjoy premieres along with the rest of the internet. That last part — enjoying the release of a new show over the course of a weekend — is a big draw in this new age of television. Reading tweets about House of Cards during and after your binge is almost as much fun as watching the series itself. The Orange Is the New Black leak didn’t make waves because viewers know if they wait a few weeks, Netflix will offer them something better — fully finished episodes they can watch in high definition along with all their online friends. That’s too good of a deal even for “free” TV to mess with. It’s funny that the thing that’s finally ending online piracy is convenience.
giovedì 25 maggio 2017
GOSSIP - Kit di sopravvivenza dopo 'GOT'. Harington su "Esquire": "dopo 'Game of Thrones' qualche anno di anonimato e...una comedy"
On feeling uncertain about the rest of his career after Game of Thrones: “Thrones nicely bookended my twenties, but I’m thirty now. Maybe I can reinvent myself and get away from an image that’s so synonymous with Thrones. But maybe this was the role I was always meant to play and that was it.”
Kit Harington is looking so sexy in the cover shoot for Esquire‘s June/July 2017 story.
Here’s what the 30-year-old Game of Thrones star had to share with the mag:On feeling uncertain about the rest of his career after Game of Thrones: “Thrones nicely bookended my twenties, but I’m thirty now. Maybe I can reinvent myself and get away from an image that’s so synonymous with Thrones. But maybe this was the role I was always meant to play and that was it.”
On what he plans to do post-Thrones: “I don’t really aim to get into that next big Oscar film. That’s not really my route….[I] might do a comedy next….I’ll enjoy the madness quieting a bit. I’d like a few years of relative obscurity.”
Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss on why Harington works for the part: “He just had the look. The brooding intensity; the physical grace; the chip-on-the-shoulder quality that we always associate with extraordinarily short people.” (Kit is five-foot-six.)
For more from Kit, visit
NEWS - SOS, compagni! Tom Hardy di "Taboo" apre una raccolta fondi per le vittime del terrorismo "aberrante" di Manchester
Tom Hardy has reportedly set up a fundraising page after the explosions at the Manchester Arena on Monday (May 22) during the Ariana Grande concert. “What happened last night at the AG concert in Manchester was a tragedy,” the 39-year-old actor wrote on the fundraising page. “Families and children attacked and murdered in a place where they should be safe and enjoying a concert. It is an inconceivable atrocity. There is no bringing back those who have been lost, pointlessly, in such a cowardly and brutal fashion. I am truly saddened by what I have witnessed and there is no doubt that Terrorism is an evil thing.” “I hope between us we can raise some funds as a gesture of goodwill and love to help in some small way towards repairing some if any of the damage done in the wake of last night’s events. There will be much to do and for many, the beginning of a new life without those that they love and also a new life damaged irrevocably by the actions of a crime which has no reason, no heartfelt purpose but was simply a cruel cowardly and barbaric, meaningless act of violence. A road to recovery unimaginable,” Tom continued. “Terrorism is abhorrent, the killing of innocent families and children unacceptable. And it is with those, the innocent victims and the witnesses of this atrocity that my heartfelt concern and deepest sympathy lie. Please help however you can. Thank you,” Tom added. Proceeds will be going to the British Red Cross Society.
mercoledì 24 maggio 2017
GOSSIP - Robin Wright shock: "ho iniziato facendo la modella a Parigi mostrando le tette e sentendomi dire che erano troppo piccole...adesso pretendo lo stesso salario di Kevin Spacey in 'House of Cards!"
On not getting equal pay on House of Cards: “I was told that I was getting equal pay and I believed them, and I found out recently that it’s not true….Yes, so that’s something to investigate. Claire and Francis are equivalent as far as their power, their union and the plot. I may not have as many scenes or words as Francis, but Claire doesn’t need to verbalize as much. Francis is an orator, a poet, a demonstrator. Claire is an [ego] that sits in the back and directs him, but they are partners on the same plane.”
Robin Wright is on the cover of Net-a-Porter’s The Edit.
Here’s what the 51-year-old House of Cards actress had to share:On not getting equal pay on House of Cards: “I was told that I was getting equal pay and I believed them, and I found out recently that it’s not true….Yes, so that’s something to investigate. Claire and Francis are equivalent as far as their power, their union and the plot. I may not have as many scenes or words as Francis, but Claire doesn’t need to verbalize as much. Francis is an orator, a poet, a demonstrator. Claire is an [ego] that sits in the back and directs him, but they are partners on the same plane.”
On the nightmare of modeling when she was young: “[I modelled] to make money, so I could stay in Paris, because I was broke. That was a nightmare: you go into a go-see, lift up your shirt, then [someone says], ‘Her boobs aren’t big enough,’ and you’re out… I put together a semi-book; dancing pictures of me in leotards. Like soft porn with legwarmers. So pathetic. In Paris, they were like, ‘This is not a book.’ It was so cheeseball. I interviewed with every agency. They said, ‘You’re never going to be tall enough to sign with Wilhelmina and IMG; you can do bathing suits, beauty, lingerie.’”
On fame: “[I] Never wanted [fame], never sought it, never thought about it. I didn’t know what to do with it. I turned down doing the cover of Vanity Fair because I was so petrified of sharing myself. I was married to Sean [Penn] at the time, and I knew that all they wanted to know was what color underwear he wore.” Visit The Edit for more from Robin!
Roger Moore non è morto.
— Leo Damerini (@LeoDamerini) 23 maggio 2017
E' solo partito per un'altra destinazione senza valigie come Simon Templar.#RogerMoore
#GoTS7 begins 7.16 on @HBO. #GameofThrones
— Game Of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) 23 maggio 2017
martedì 23 maggio 2017
GOSSIP - La scoperta del secolo! Charlie Hunnam su "Glamour": "devo il mio successo al pubblico femminile!". Ma vahhhh????
Charlie Hunnam has something to say about his female fans! The 37-year-old King Arthur: Legend of the Sword actor was spotted grabbing a bite to eat with some buddies on Monday (May 22) in West Hollywood, Calif. Charlie recently returned from a trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil, to premiere the movie, where he wore a crown and revealed how filming “destroyed” his body! Regarding his female fan base, Charlie told Glamour, “Our key demographic on Sons Of Anarchy was predominantly female. And King Arthur is appealing in the test screenings much more to women than men – so I feel that even though I play hyper-masculine roles, I’ve always been well-received by the female audience.”
lunedì 22 maggio 2017
Più che Twin è Mulholland Peaks.#twinpeaks #TwinPeaks2017 #TwinPeaksDay @SkyAtlanticHD
— Leo Damerini (@LeoDamerini) 22 maggio 2017
domenica 21 maggio 2017
NEWS - Preparate il caffè nero come una notte senza luna: stanotte, alle 3.00, parte su Sky Atlantic il nuovo "Twin Peaks" e nulla sarà come prima (in realtà non lo era già da qualche tempo): chi non trasmette le serie tv in contemporanea agli Usa è come un uomo senza un braccio (o un nano che balla, o un travestito che assomiglia a Mulder, o a una donna con un ceppo...). Insomma, è tagliato fuori!
Grande attesa per il ritorno di Twin Peaks: arriva in esclusiva su Sky Atlantic HD, dal 26 maggio ogni venerdì alle 21.15 in contemporanea con gli Stati Uniti. Il ritorno dell’attesissima serie tv di David Lynchsi mostrerà per la prima volta anche in Italia già nella notte fra domenica 21 e lunedì 22, quando dalle 3.00 su Sky Atlantic HD sarà possibile assistere ai primi due episodi della nuova stagione in versione originale sottotitolata, a 25 anni dall’ultima puntata della seconda stagione.
Riserbo assoluto sulla trama, materiali promozionali rilasciati con estrema parsimonia, tutti i 18 nuovi episodi sono stati scritti dal regista, David Lynch – che nella serie interpreta anche un agente dell’FBI – e dallo sceneggiatore storico della serie Mark Frost.
Nel cast, oltre al ritorno del protagonista Dale Cooper, interpretato ancora una volta da Kyle MacLachlan - e di altri volti storici della serie, da Mädchen Amick a Sherilyn Fenn e Sheryl Lee, fino a Ray Wise -, tantissimi sono i nuovi e prestigiosi ingressi: Monica Bellucci, Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Naomi Watts, Trent Reznor e Laura Dern.
Per l’occasione, domenica 21 maggio sarà trasmesso il docufilm presentato a Venezia DAVID LYNCH – THE ART LIFE, in onda alle 21.15 su Sky Arte HD e alle 22.50 su Sky Atlantic HD (per il ciclo Il Racconto del reale). Nel film Lynch accompagna lo spettatore in un intimo e personale viaggio nel tempo, raccontando gli anni della sua formazione artistica. Dall’infanzia nella tranquilla provincia Americana fino all’arrivo a Philadelphia, le tappe del percorso che ha portato Lynch a diventare uno dei più enigmatici e controversi registi del cinema contemporaneo. Il film penetra nell’arte, nella musica e nei primi film di Lynch, gettando luce negli angoli oscuri del suo singolare mondo e permettendo al pubblico di capire meglio l’uomo e l’artista.
Amanda Seyfried,
David Lynch,
Laura Dern,
Madchen Amick,
Mark Frost,
Monica Bellucci,
Naomi Watts,
Ray Wise,
Sherilyn Fenn,
Sheryl Lee,
Trent Reznor,
Twin Peaks
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