“You don’t really learn them as a full script. Usually with something like The 100, because you’re working so much and everyday and they’ll change the drafts quite quickly, we’ll go through maybe like 12 different versions of the same scene over a week. So there is no point in learning it on a Tuesday when on a Thursday it might be completely different. So your best bet is to learn it Wednesday night, however that’s when the process as an actor comes in to play, by doing the work beforehand, so if you’ve got the weekend off you go through the script and cut it out, dissect out, and figure out what you’re actually really doing, so that when it comes to learning it’s easier. My short-term memory has gotten so much better but it means I forget things a lot quicker!”
On how it compares to working on a film…
“Film is a lot different. You have the whole script in its entirety and you have a couple of weeks to learn different scenes, really go over them and rehearse them so when you get to them they’re more fleshed out. But TV shows are harder.”
On the long hours…
“They are very, very very long. It’s not always the working itself but the travel time and getting ready. Once you add all that on it’s a lot longer but then if you go over time by half an hour or an hour, you can find yourself having worked for 15 hours. A 12 hour day is standard, but once it adds up you’re exhausted.”
On differences between working on The 100 versus Fear the Walking Dead…
The Hundred gave me this platform I never expected. I didn’t expect the character to become anything. I was originally only signed up to do six episodes and then it just sort of become this whole story and journey which was an amazing character, a great journey so that has been incredible and I didn’t expect anything out of it. Fear the Walking Dead has been amazing though because I’ve been there from the beginning and that’s a whole different sense of familiarity and family and connection with people.
On whether she watches any of her television shows…
“No, never! I’ve always been on a plane. There was actually one time where I was doing bits and pieces for both shows so I was flying back from LA to Vancouver every where. The 100 is in Vancouver.”
On whether or not she knows what’s happening to her characters…
“You just don’t sometimes!”
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