mercoledì 7 marzo 2012

NEWS - Clamoroso a Clerville: Diabolik diventa un telefilm!
(ANSA) - MILANO, 07 MAR - Diabolik compie 50 anni e per l'occasione si fa un doppio regalo: una mostra itinerante che partira' da Milano il 16 marzo e una serie tv con una produzione da 10 milioni di euro che sbarchera' su un importante canale televisivo, ancora top secret. La mostra sara' l'evento centrale del salone Cartoomics, in programma a Fieramilanocity dal 16 al 18 marzo: per la prima volta, dagli archivi della casa editrice Astorina usciranno tutte insieme una serie di rarita', dalle prime sceneggiature firmate dalle sorelle Angela e Luciana Giussani alla testa in gesso realizzata nel 1963 dal disegnatore Enzo Facciolo (81 anni e ancora firma almeno tre numeri all'anno), dal mitico numero uno alle tavole originali. Tra marzo e novembre, l'esposizione si spostera' poi in altre citta', dal Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli al Centro del fumetto di Cremona fino alla Lucca Comics&Games, per poi ritornare a Milano. Ma la novita' che probabilmente suscitera' piu' curiosita' tra i fan del 're del terrore' e' che Diabolik sbarchera' sui piccoli schermi con una serie tv di 12 puntate da 50 minuti che sara' prodotta da Stile Libero con un importante canale televisivo. A dare l'annuncio, il direttore della Astorina Mario Gomboli e il produttore Gianni Russo. ''Per ora e' tutto top secret - spiega quest'ultimo -: contiamo di lanciare il casting a novembre e di girare nel 2013. Di sicuro Diabolik non sara' un attore famoso, ma non e' escluso che volti noti partecipino al progetto''.
NEWS - Quella "strana coppia" di avvocati...Dal 10 marzo "Suits" su Joi (e uno dei due interpreti ha avuto a che fare con Monica Lewinsky: più illegale di così...)
In anteprima assoluta approda dal 10 marzo su JOISuits”, serie televisiva statunitense di genere legale creata da Aaron Korsh e trasmessa dalla rete via cavo USA Network che ha commissionato 16 nuovi episodi per la seconda stagione. Eccezionalmente il debutto italiano di “Suits” sarà visibile anche in chiaro, in modalità free view, sul canale Premium Anteprima. Protagonisti della serie ambientata a New York sono lo “squalo” del foro Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht), uno dei più importanti e spietati avvocati della Grande Mela, e Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams), ragazzo dotato di una memoria prodigiosa. Quest’ultimo dimostra un intelligenza fuori da comune ma il suo sogno di diventare un avvocato s’infrange quando viene espulso dal College. Mike però non si dà per vinto e continua a sostenere esami, soprattutto quello per l’abilitazione alla professione d’avvocato, al posto di altri studenti. Nel frattempo l’avvocato Harvey ottiene una promozione che lo obbliga ad assumere un giovane praticante. La necessità si concretizza nell’assunzione del rampante Ross con il quale inizia a formare una “strana coppia” legale per le aule della Grande Mela…
Gabriel Macht si è fatto conoscere al cinema per la sua interpretazione da protagonista nel film”The Spirits”. Tra le curiosità della sua biografia, in gioventù, iscrittosi alla Beverly Hills High School, ha partecipato allo spettacolo teatrale “The Music Man”, al fianco di una giovanissima Monica Lewinsky.

Patrick J. Adams, attore canadese, nato a Toronto il 27 agosto 1981, dopo aver ricoperto qualche piccolo ruolo in “Lost”, “Lie to Me”, “Pretty Little Liars” - dove ha conosciuto la sua attuale compagna Troian Avery Bellisario- e in molte altre serie di successo, ha raggiunto con “Suits” la candidatura ai Screen Actor Guild Awards 2012 come miglior attore drammatico in una serie tv.

martedì 6 marzo 2012

GOSSIP - Ricci in...aria! L'attrice di "Pan Am" si confessa a volo d'uccello dalla cover di "Marie Claire"
Christina Ricci strikes a pose in Louis Vuitton on the cover of Marie Claire UK‘s April issue.
Here’s what the 32-year-old "Pan Am" actress had to share:
On growing up: “It took a while for me to be comfortable with who I was. To realize everyone might not get my sense of humor; everyone might not like me. You know what, I’m not going to change who I am. I’ve tried. It doesn’t work. I’ve never been very Hollywood.”
On embracing her 30s: “I’m so glad I’m not 20 years old any more. I was in a hurricane. I’m a lot calmer now. I don’t cause destruction for myself and others everywhere I go. I take things as they happen and I’ve learned to be calm about things. Troubleshoot problem as they arise and make the best out of things.”
On a turning point in her life: “Somebody actually found out about it and outed my while I was recovering [from an eating disorder]. It was a horrifying thing to do to a 14-year-old trying to cope with a devastating illness. And, out of rage, I vowed that no one would ever be able to out me for a secret again. So I was going to be completely honest in the rest of my life. I don’t want to be hurt in that way again.”
For more on Christina, check out!
NEWS - Ultima ora, "Person of Interest" su Premiun Crime dal 27 aprile

Partirà venerdì 27 aprile su Premium Crime, in prima serata, "Person of Interest" di J.J. Abrams. (fonte: @QuiMediaset_it)

lunedì 5 marzo 2012

L'EDICOLA DI LOU - Stralci e commenti sui telefilm tratti dai giornali italiani e stranieri

"Homeland", la CIA e il presente Usa

"I telefilm americani sanno spesso nascondere dietro racconti di finzione le pulsioni e i conflitti irrisolti del nostro tempo, sono sempre più ansiosi di raccontare il presente, quasi spaventati di non essere anche loro in diretta, come il flusso delle notizie televisive, convinti che dare una forma all’informe dell’emergenza, specie se drammatica, sia la loro missione principale. Anche «Homeland», la nuova produzione del canale via cavo Showtime, la «casa» di «Dexter», «Weeds», «Californication », sembra seguire questa ispirazione (Fox, lunedì, ore 21.50). Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) è un’ufficiale della Cia molto devota alla sua professione, impegnata con valore in pericolose missioni sul campo in Medioriente. Quando il marine Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis), detenuto ormai da molti anni da Al-Qaeda come prigioniero di guerra, viene liberato da un’incursione Usa e fa ritorno a casa, Carrie è l’unica a dubitare di lui: la Cia e i suoi superiori lo esibiscono alla nazione come eroe di guerra, ma qualcosa non torna e il sospetto è che Brody abbia rinnegato l’America per entrare a far parte di una cellula dormiente dell’organizzazione terroristica. Anche Carrie però ha i suoi segreti, e i suoi metodi di indagine hanno poco di ortodosso. Niente è come sembra e il racconto si inerpica tra i temi forti della fiducia, del tradimento, della sorveglianza. «Homeland» è ispirata a una serie israeliana, «Hatufim» (come già era avvenuto per «In Treatment»), ed è stata molto acclamata da pubblico e critica negli Stati Uniti. Certo, le interpretazioni dei protagonisti, da Claire Danes a Damian Lewis sono superlative. Il tema poi è molto importante e rappresenta una ferita aperta della storia americana recente: i riferimenti a episodi controversi sono numerosi, dal Patriot Act alle torture somministrate ai prigionieri di guerra".
(Aldo Grasso, 29.02.2012)
NEWS - Cherry Boom! Ultima ora, la battaglia legale tra Marc Cherry e Nicolette Sheridan in cui quest'ultima rivendica esclusione dal cast di DH+aggressione s'infiamma...

Articolo di Ted Johnson per "Variety"

An attorney for "Desperate Housewives" creator Marc Cherry tried to show inconsistencies in actress Nicollette Sheridan's claim that Cherry struck her in the head during a script dispute, an incident at the heart of her multimillion-dollar wrongful termination suit.

On cross examination in Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday, Sheridan sparred with attorney Adam Levin as he queried her on why she called Cherry's strike a "slap" in one government document but testified on Thursday that she was "hit." Sheridan said that the "slap" reference actually was made by her lawyer in filling out an official state form on the incident. Sheridan, who played Edie Britt on the show, claims that Cherry had her character killed off after the 2008-09 season in retaliation for complaining about the incident. On Thursday, she testified that in September 2008, she took Cherry aside on the set and queried him on why one of her lines was excised from the script. Cherry, she said, "stepped toward me and he took his right hand and he hit me upside the head." She said that he later came back to her trailer to apologize. Cherry's lawyers contend that he gave Sheridan a light tap meant to give her direction for a scene.

Sheridan admitted that in the immediate aftermath she did not contact human resources executives, the Screen Actors Guild or police, and later that day she went to Tiffany's in Beverly Hills and to meet a friend at the Grill. But a day later she did express her concerns about the incident to George Perkins, one of the show's executive producers, and told him that Cherry "needs to know that he can't behave like that." She also asked that Cherry send her flowers.

Levin also tried to show that killing off her character was not unusual for a series where many cast members come and go.

He spent a great deal of time trying to show that Sheridan was not a star of the show on par with Eva Longoria, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross and Teri Hatcher, pointing out that their picture appeared in the opening credits and hers did not. And he cited some of their nominations in the best actress Emmy category, while she earned a supporting actress nomination at the Golden Globes.

Levin even showed jurors a seven-minute video montage, titled "Deaths on Wisteria Lane," of what may have been every character ever killed off on the show -- dozens of shootings, maimings, clubbings -- including Sheridan's character Edie Britt. But Levin was rebuffed by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Allen White as he sought to question Sheridan on how this was similar to another show in which she was cast, the primetime soap "Knots Landing."

Meeting with lawyers after jurors had been excused for the day, White said that "Knots" was a "'Dynasty'-like show" and "not a comedy, so it is not really comparable," adding that jurors would be able to decide for themselves.

Levin persisted, but White said, "I am not going to discuss the history of television in this case."

Outside the court, one of Sheridan's lawyers, Mark Baute, dismissed concerns that his client lost her composure during cross examination. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," he said.

He also said that the characterization of a "slap" and a "hit" was not important to the case. "She said probably 8 to 10 times that she was hit, and hit hard," he said.

(The Associated Press contributed to this story.)

domenica 4 marzo 2012

TWITTER-JAM - La playlist delle migliori twittate seriali selezionata da AcademyTelefilm e TelefilmCult

Did 'Modern Family' go too far with teen sex plot

I wanted to like NBC's "Awake," but after viewing four episodes all I could think was "Wake me when it's over."

Pilot Season: Minnie Driver to star opposite Andrea Anders in NBC’s Lady Friends comedy

It's comforting to know when I fall asleep on set, I'm well taken care of

Telefilm Festival 2008 - Chace Crawford e Leighton Meester (Gossip Girl)

Telefilm Festival 2007 - Aldo Grasso e Giorgio Gori

Telefilm Festival 2007 - Luca e Paolo

Telefilm Festival 2007 - Jennifer Morrison (Dr. House) incontra il pubblico

Telefilm Festival 2007 - Jennifer Morrison (Dr. House)

Telefilm Festival 2006 - Benjamin McKenzie (The OC) firma autografi al pubblico

Eva Longoria Targeting Latino and Female Communities With New Obama Campaign Role

sabato 3 marzo 2012

Stracult e Stracotti - …ovvero la serie che questa settimana va su e quella che inevitabilmente va giù. Parola di Stargirl!

A pochi giorni dalla terza season finale, a vincere il titolo di Stracult della settimana è White Collar, serie creata da Jeff Eastin, che unisce perfettamente il genere crime al dramedy, dando vita a un prodotto frizzante e mai noioso. Giunto ormai al termine della terza stagione, a differenza di altri show simili dal punto di vista di humour e meccaniche, non sembra per nulla risentire di flessione o stanchezza, come spesso invece accade.
Il merito di questo successo? Semplice! Da una sceneggiatura che riesce a rinnovarsi senza mai ripetersi, a una regia vivace e veloce che si appoggia a una cornice come New York e a una Manhattan mai così irresistibile. A ciò va aggiunta l’ottima caratterizzazione dei protagonisti: a partire da
Tiffany Thiessen (indimenticabile Kelly Kapowsky di Bayside School) e Willie “Mozzie”  Garson, che molti ricorderanno come Stanford in Sex and the City, fino alla coppia Peter Burke/Tim De Kay - Neal Caffrey/Matt Bomer -  perno fondamentale attorno a cui ruotano le vicende. Matt Bomer in particolare, con la sua aria da incorreggibile romantico, riesce a risultare simpatico nonostante interpreti un personaggio capace di cadere sempre in piedi anche quando forse non lo meriterebbe affatto. Bello e impossibile, ricco, intelligente e astuto… sarebbe davvero un uomo da sposare, se non fosse per il recente outing che ha spezzato i cuori di milioni di fan sparse per il mondo, oltre che il mio!

Una selezione dura e severa, un comportamento e una diligenza impeccabili, classe, lusso e stile: in Pan Am si guarda con estrema nostalgia, seguendo la moda di quel capolavoro intitolato Mad Men, all’America degli anni Sessanta e alle sue hostess indimenticabili che hanno fatto sognare milioni di viaggiatori del cielo. Creato da Jack Orma, autore e produttore di E.R., lo show è la fotografia nitida e precisa, seppur infarcita dell’elemento soap opera, di un divertente e verosimile spaccato dell’America degli Sessanta, tra storie d’amore ed emozioni ad alta quota. Le vite delle quattro hostess protagoniste (tra cui la bravissima Cristina Ricci) s’intrecciano con la Storia, nello specifico quella di una nazione che cerca di inseguire un sogno, tra mille ostacoli e difficoltà. Lo spunto è buono, il risultato discreto, ciò che manca, e si evince già all’inizio, è quella marcia in più e quella cura dei dettagli, punti di forza proprio di Mad Men, destinati a trasformare la serie in uno Stracult, e a relegarla invece negli Stracotti, a causa soprattutto dei bassi ascolti registrati sin dagli albori e di una critica che da subito gli ha messo i bastoni tra le ruote precludendole un futuro roseo.
Uno stracotto condizionato soprattutto dall’esito finale, questo è certo, ma che pur sempre, ahimè, stracotto rimane.
Anyway: thank you for flying with Pan Am.

venerdì 2 marzo 2012

Kevin Williamson, Shonda Rhimes, Ryan Murphy, Greg Berlanti and Josh Schwartz

ANTEPRIMA - Tutti (ma proprio tutti) i pilot in cantiere della nuova stagione tv! Le nuove serie di Ryan Murphy, Kevin Williamson, Shonda Rhimes, Josh Schwartz, Greg Berlanti...

Chi si rivede:Terry O'Quinn, Matthew Perry, Anthony LaPaglia, Zachary Levi, Portia de Rossi, Michael Chiklis, Kristin Kreuk, Sarah Chalke, Tony Shalhoub, Mena Suvari, Sophia Bush, John Stamos, Becki Newton, Roseanne Barr+John Goodman, Martin Landau...

Occhio a Malin Akerman e Kevin Bacon

Glee's Ryan Murphy tackling a half-hour comedy for NBC. Kevin Williamson bringing his Vampire Diaries sensibilities to Fox for a serial killer drama starring Kevin Bacon. Grey's Anatomy's Shonda Rhimes back in business with ABC for a period piece. Josh Schwartz and his Gossip Girl cohorts exploring Carrie Bradshaw's youth at the CW and Greg Berlanti with projects set up at three of the five broadcast networks. These are a few of the highlights of Pilot Season 2012, where ABC, CBS, NBC, ABC and the CW sift through the numerous development projects and move forward in a bid to find the next breakout comedies and dramas. Here's a look at the pilots in contention for the 2012-13 television season, which THR will be updating through casting season so be sure to bookmark the page and come back for the latest news.

More 2012 Pilot Season News



American Judy
Logline: A cosmopolitan woman gets married, becomes a fish out of water in the suburbs having to juggle stepkids, her mother-in-law and the ex wife of her husband, who also happens to be the town sheriff.
Cast: Judy Greer,
Mimi Kennedy, Elaine Hendrix
Team: W/EP Deborah Kaplan, Harry Elfont, EP David Gardner, Peter Principato, Paul Young; P Judy Greer; D Beth McCarthy-Miller
Studio: ABC Studios
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Counter Culture
Logline: Three aging sisters run their West Texas family diner together, with sibling dynamics always getting in the way.
Doris Roberts, Margo Martindale (second positon to A Gifted Man)
Team: W/EP Stephnie Weir; EP Claudia Lonow; D Ted Wass
Studio: Sony Pictures Television, ABC Studios
Format: Multicamera
Location: Los Angeles

Dusty Goes to Awesometown (previously the untitled Adam Sztykiel project)
Logline: Revolves around friends and roommates Andrew (Nick Kocher) and Oliver (James Earl III) and is described as a raw and hilarious peek behind the curtain of modern twentysomething relationships.
Cast: James Earl III, Amanda Crew, Nick Kocher
Team: W/co-EP Adam Sztykiel; EP Sean Perrone, Aaron Kaplan; D
Jesse Peretz
Studio: 20th Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

How to Live With Your Parents for the Rest of Your Life
Logline: Polly, a recently divorced single mom, moves in with her eccentric parents, Elaine and Max, a couple who's full of life but knows no bounds.
Sarah Chalke, Elizabeth Perkins, John Dore, Rachael Eggleston
Team: W/EP Claudia Lonow; EP Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Francie Calfo; D Julie Anne Robinson
Studio: 20th Television, Imagine TV
Location: Los Angeles
Format: Single-camera

Malibu Country
Logline: After her "good 'ol boy" rock star husband cheats on her and burns through most of their money, Reba divorces him and moves her three kids and mom from Nashville to the only asset they have left—a little house in Malibu. There she’ll try to reignite her own singing career and keep herself and her three kids from being corrupted by the materialistic and rarified Malibu world she now calls home.
Cast: Reba McEntire,
Lily Tomlin, Sara Rue
Team: W Kevin Abbott, EP Reba McEntire, Mindy Schultheis, Michael Hanel, Pam Williams, Dave Stewart, Narvel Blackstock; D John Pasquin
Studio: ABC Studios
Format: Multicamera
Location: Los Angeles

Only Fools and Horses
Logline: Based on the British format, the comedy chronicles the misadventures of two streetwise brothers and their aging grandfather as they concoct outrageous, morally questionable get-rich-quick schemes in their quest to become millionaires.
Cast: John Leguizamo, Christospher Lloyd, Dustin Ybarra, BJ Bales
Team: W/EP Steven Cragg, Brian Bradley; D Ted Wass
Studio: ABC Studios
Format: Multicamera
Location: Los Angeles

Prairie Dogs
Logline: Neil, an uncool cubicle worker (“prairie dog”) at one of the coolest companies in the world, is the victim of identity theft. When he discovers the thief has created a much more fulfilling, kick ass life with his identity than he ever has, he engages the charismatic conman to help him change his life.
Cast: Kal Penn, Michaela Watkins, Dan Fogler, Cary Elwes, Dayo Okeniyi, Charlotte Newhouse
Team: W/EP Jackie & Jeff Filgo; D Luke Greenfield
Studio: ABC Studios
Location: Los Angeles
Format: Single-camera

The Smart One
Logline: A brilliant and successful woman (Portia de Rossi) who begrudgingly goes to work for her less-brainy but more popular sister -- a former beauty queen, weather girl and now big-city mayor.
Cast: Portia de Rossi, Malin Akerman, Jean Smart,
David Arquette
Team: EP/W Donald Todd, EP Ellen DeGeneres, Lauren Corrao; EP/D Michael Fresco
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, A Very Good Production
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Untitled Dan Fogelman project
Logline: Centers on a family that moves into a coveted New Jersey gated community only to discover that the entire neighborhood is comprised of aliens disguised as humans.
Cast: Lenny Venito, Jami Gertz, Simon Templeman, Toks Olagundoye, Tim Jo, Max Charles, Isabella Cramp, Clara Mamet, Ian Patrick
Team: D/EP Chris Koch, W/EP Dan Fogelman; EP Aaron Kaplan
Studio: ABC Studios
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Untitled Kari Lizer project
Logline: Hilary Pfeiffer-Dunne, a high powered executive who has dominated corporate America for years, faces the biggest challenge of her life when she finds herself unemployed and acting as a full-time mom to her two teenagers.
Cast: Mary McCormack
Team: W/EP Kari Lizer; D
Craig Zisk
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Kari's Logo Here
Location: Los Angeles
Format: Multicamera

Untitled Mandy Moore
Logline: Newlyweds Annie (Mandy Moore) and Ben get the opportunity of a lifetime to run a hip, new restaurant in Annie's hometown bringing her closer to her needy and high-maintenance family.
Cast: Mandy Moore, Erinn Hayes, Majandra Delfino
Team: W/EP Bob Fisher, Stacy Traub; EP/D Shawn Levy; EP Marty Adelstein, Becky Clements; P John Leshay
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television
Location: Los Angeles
Format: Single-camera

White Van Man
Logline: Based on the British format, revolves around a man who is forced to put his dreams on hold in order to take over the family handyman business from his father.
Cast: Kyle Bornheimer, J.K. Simmons,
Leah Remini, Edi Gathegi, Johnny Pemberton
Team: W/EP Bobby Bowman; EP Mark Gordon, Andrea Shay, Paul Buccieri; D Michael Fresco
Studio: ABC Studios, Mark Gordon Co.
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles


666 Park Ave.
Logline: When a young couple accepts an offer to manage one of the most historic apartment buildings in New York City, they unwittingly begin to experience supernatural occurrences, which complicate and endanger the lives of everyone in the building. Based on the book by Gabriella Pierce.
Cast: Terry O'Quinn, Dave Annable,
Rachael Taylor
Team: W/EP David Wilcox; EP Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo; D Alex Graves
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Alloy Entertainment
Location: New York

Logline: A soap revolving around a legendary fashion designer and his family business.
Anthony LaPaglia, Emilie de Raven, Ashley Greene, Natalie Mendoza, Ken Olin,Tiffany Hines
Team: W/EP Michael Seitzman, EP Mark Gordon, Nick Pepper; D/EP Phillip Noyce
Studio: ABC Studios
Location: New York

Beauty and the Beast
Logline: A fantasy reimagining of the classic fairy tale set in a mythical, dangerous world where a beautiful and tough princess discovers an unlikely connection with a mysterious beast.
Cast: Chris Egan, Darius Campbell, F. Murray Abraham
Team: W/EP Jon Steinberg; EP Gary Fleder, Mary Beth Basile; D Yves Simoneau
Studio: ABC Studios, Mojo Films
Location: Vancouver

Devious Maids
Logline: Based on the Mexican format, this soap follows four maids with ambition and dreams of their own while they work for the rich and famous in Beverly Hills.
Cast: Judy Reyes, Ana Ortiz, Dania Ramirez, Rebecca Wisocky; Angelique Cabral, Roselyn Sanchez
Team: W/EP Marc Cherry; EP Sabrina Wind, Paul Presburger, David Lonner, Larry Shuman, Michael Garcia, John Mass; D Paul McGuigan
Studio: ABC Studios
Location: Los Angeles

Gilded Lilys
Logline: Revolves around the opening of the first luxury hotel in New York in 1895 and the intermingling of love, treachery and disdain between the classes set against a backdrop of vicious family rivalries, scandalous secrets and conflict and co-mingling of the classes.
Matt Long, Maury Sterling, Brigid Brannagh, Brian F. O'Byrne, Blythe Danner, Sarah Bolger, Madeline Zima, Matt Lauria
Team: W/EP KJ Steinberg, EPs Shonda Rhimes, Betsy Beers; D Brian Kirk
Studio: ABC Studios, Shondaland
Location: Boston

Logline:After pursuing a seemingly unsolvable case, a female cop discovers a magical world that exists within New York City. A world that goes unseen by normal humans takes all of the familiar N.Y. landmarks and reinvents them in a magical, otherworldly manner.
Cast: Barry Sloane
Team: W/EP Michael Green, EP Erwin Stoff; D Francis Lawrence
Studio: 20th Television
Location: New York

Last Resort
Logline: Centers on the crew of a U.S. nuclear submarine who, after ignoring an order to fire nuclear missiles, wind up being hunted and escape to a NATO outpost where they declare themselves to be the world's smallest nuclear nation.
Cast: Scott Speedman, Andre Braugher, Daisy Betts, Autumn Reeser,
Daniel Lissing, Camille de Pazzis, Sahr Ngaujau, Dichen Lachman, Omid Abtahi (recurring), Matt Gerald (recurring), Bruce Davison (recurring), Robert Patrick (recurring), Max Adler (guest)
Team: W/EP Karl Gajdusek, Shawn Ryan; EP Marney Hochman Nash; EP/D Martin Campbell
Studio: Sony Pictures Television
Location: Oahu, Hawaii

Logline: A family soap set against the backdrop of the Nashville music scene revolving around one star at her peak and another on the rise.
Cast: Hayden Panettiere, Powers Boothe, Sam Palladio, Clare Bowen, Jonathan Jackson, Robert Wisdom
Team: W/EP Callie Khouri; W/EP/D RJ Cutler; EP Steve Buchanan/Grand Ole Opry
Studio: ABC Studios, Lionsgate, Gaylord Entertainment
Location: Nashville

Logline: Based on the Dutch format, revolves around the widow of an assassinated criminal who is forced to adopt her husband’s role in a crime syndicate in order to protect her family.
Cast: Lee Tergesen
Team: W/EP Melissa Rosenberg; EP Alon Aranya, Howard Klein; D Mark Pellington
Studio: ABC Studios, Endemol Studios
Location: Vancouver

Logline: Based on the Judith Krantz novel, the sexy soap is set in the late 1970s and follows a socialite who, following her husband's death, seeks to open a fashion-forward boutique in the heart of Beverly Hills.
Team: W/EP Bob Brush, Mel Harris; EP Tony Krantz, Annette Savitch, Natalie Portman; D Michael Sucsy
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Flame Ventures
Location: Los Angeles

Untitled Roland Emmerich drama
Logline: An astrophysics grad student in NYC learns that he is the chosen one to destroy the forces of evil.
Cast: Max Thieriot, Martin Landau, Yaya DaCosta, Gabriella Wilde, Linus Roache,
Laila Robins
Team: W/EP/D Roland Emmerich, EP Mark Gordon, Nicholas Pepper; W/EP Harold Kloser
Studio: ABC Studios, the Mark Gordon Co.
Location: New York

Zero Hour
Logline: A bizarre twist of fate pulls a man who's spent 20 years as the editor of a skeptics magazine into one of the most compelling conspiracies in human history.
Cast: Scott Michael Foster, Addison Timlin
Team: W/EP Paul Scheuring; EP Lorenzo DiBonaventura, Dan McDermott; D Pierre Morel
Studio: ABC Studios
Location: Montreal



Friend Me
Logline: Twentysomething best friends Evan and Rob move from their hometown of Bloomington, Ind., to L.A. to begin their new lives working at Groupon. Evan has trouble breaking his old slothful habits and rather than go out after work to explore L.A. and meet new people, prefers to play online poker with his friends back home. Rob has different plans and is determined to drag Evan, kicking and screaming, along with him.
Cast: Parvesh Cheena
Team: W/EP Alan Kirschenbaum, Ajay Sahgal; EP Eric Tannenbaum, Kim Tannenbaum; D Pamela Fryman
Studio: CBS Television Studios, Tannenbaum Co.

Logline: A personal story of two lifelong friends and their business partners. Architects Charlie and Louis' friendship has lasted longer than either of their romantic relationships and almost seems like a weird marriage. When Charlie decides to propose to his girlfriend, Louis' neurotic attempts to be supportive nearly result in the breakup of his own relationship.
Cast: Sophia Bush, Michael Urie, David Krumholtz, Brandon Routh, Lucy Davis, Elizabeth Regen
Team: W/EP Max Mutchnick, David Kohan; D James Burrows
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, KoMut Entertainment

Super Fun Night
Logline: Revolves around three nerdy female friends on their "funcomfortable" quest to have "super fun" every Friday night.
Cast: Rebel Wilson
Team: W/co-EP Rebel Wilson, EP Conan O'Brien, Jeff Ross, David Kissinger; D Mark Cendrowski
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Conaco
Format: Multicamera

Untitled Dorf/Falcone project
Logline: Comedy series about a 37-year-old man (Ben Falcone) who loses everything he has in the real estate collapse and finds himself back at home in the house he grew up in ... with his parents.
Cast: Ben Falcone, Rachael Harris
Team: W/Supervising Producer Ben Falcone, Larry Dorf; co-EP Melissa McCarthy; D Ken Whittingham
Studio: Warner Bros. Television
Format: Multicamera

Untitled Greg Malins/Greg Berlanti project
Logline: Nick has a health scare and realizes Wendy, his best friend and business partner of 15 years, is "the one." Now he has to figure out how to break it to her.
Cast: Joanna Garcia Swisher, Bryan Greenberg, Greg Grunberg, Ryan Gaul
Team: W/EP Greg Malins, Greg Berlanti; co-EP Melissa Kellner Berman; D James Burrows
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Berlanti Productions

Untitled Louis C.K., Spike Feresten
Logline: An ensemble comedy revolving around young people as they try to achieve their creative dreams in these tough financial times.
Cast: Ashley Tisdale, Ann Guilbert
Team: W/EP Louis C.K., Spike Feresten; EP Gail Berman, Lloyd Braun, Gene Stein; D Andy Ackerman
Studio: Berman/Braun, Universal Television, CBS Television Studios
Format: Multicamera

Untitled Martin Lawrence project
Logline: Lawrence stars as a widowed father of two teenagers who, after losing his job in construction, decides to go to the police academy and become a cop at the age of 46.
Cast: Martin Lawrence
Team: W/EP Mike Lisbe, Nate Reger; EP Michael Green, Sam Maydew
Studio: CBS TElevision Studios, The Collective
Format: Multicamera

Untitled Nick Stoller
Logline: Loosely based on Stoller's real-life experiences, the ensemble revols around a guy who gets his heart broken by his girlfriend and now must work one cubicle away from her at an ad agency.
Cast: Michael Angarano, Brie Larson, Adam Campbell, Amanda Lund, Chris Smith, Randall Park, Liz Cackowski
Team: W/EP/D Nicholas Stoller, EP Katherine Pope, Peter Chernin
Studio: Chernin Entertainment, 20th Television
Format: Single-camera


Logline: Based on Ayelet Waldman’s
Mommy Track Mysteries series of books in which a former public defender becomes a private investigator to keep from being bored to death as a stay-at-home mom.
Team: EP/W Ayelet Waldman, Jennifer Levin, Sherri Cooper; EP/D Chris Columbus; showrunner/EP Jeff Rake
Studio: CBS Television Studios

Baby Big Shot
Logline: A legal drama that centers on a working-class woman who uses her street smarts to compete with her more polished colleagues at a top New York law firm.
Cast: Janet Montgomery,
Toni Trucks
Team: W/Co-EP Dana Calvo, EP/Showrunner Kevin Falls; EP Jamie Tarses, Julia Franz; EP/D Mark Waters
Studio: Sony Pictures Television/CBS Television Studios, Fanfare
Location: New York

Logline: A modern take on the cases of Sherlock Holmes, with the famed detective now living in New York City.
Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu
Team: W/EP Rob Doherty; EPs Sarah Timberman, Carl Beverly; EP/D Michael Cuesta
Studio: CBS Television Studios

Untitled Wootton/Berlanti (previously Golden Boy)
Logline: Revolves around the making of a man and tracks one cop's meteoric rise from officer to detective to police commissioner.
Chi McBride, Kevin Alejandro, Stella Maeve
Team: W/EP Nicholas Wootton, EP Greg Berlanti; co-EP Melissa Kellner Berman; D/EP Richard Shepard
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Berlanti Productions

Logline: An edgy and independent millennial hacker girl teams up with an Oakland police detective to solve crimes.
Team: EP/W Ilene Chaiken; EP Joel Silver; EP/D Jaume Collet-Serra
Studio: Sony Pictures Television, Warner Bros. Television, Silver Pictures

Logline: A common-sense mother-turned-New York state trooper.
Mira Sorvino, Jay Fernandez
Team: EP/W Aron Eli Coleite; EP Jerry Bruckheimer, Jonathan Littman; co-EP KristieAnne Reed; D/EP Craig Gillespie
Studio: Jerry Bruckheimer Television, Warner Bros. Television

Untitled Ralph Lamb
Logline: Period piece set in the 1960s centered on the true story of Ralph Lamb – rodeo cowboy turned longtime Sheriff of Las Vegas.
Dennis Quaid, Michael Chiklis
Team: EP/W Nicholas Pileggi, Greg Walker; EP/D James Mangold; EP Cathy Konrad, Arthur Sarkissian; co-EP Dennis Quaid, Michael Chiklis
Studio: CBS Television Studios

Widow Detective
Logline: A decorated police detective becomes a surrogate husband, lover and father to the families of three partners lost in the line of duty.
Cast: Elyes Gabel, Conor Leslie, Natalie Martinez
Team: W/EP David Hubbard; EP Carol Mendelsohn, Julie Weitz; EP/D Davis Guggenheim
Studio: CBS Television Studios



1600 Penn

Logline: What happens when you're the most ordinary family in the world but your father is the president of the United States? A modern family-type of show set in the White House where all the kids are far from perfect.
Bill Pullman, Josh Gad, Brittany Snow
Team: W/EP Josh Gad, Jon Lovett; EP/D Jason Winer
Studio: 20th Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Animal Kingdom
Logline: An office comedy revolving around a
House-like veterinarian who loves animals but typically hates their owners.
Cast: Justin Kirk, Tyler Labine, Bobby Lee
Team: EP/W Brian Gatewood, Alex Tanaka; EP Scot Armstrong, Ravi Nandan; D Anthony and Joe Russo
Studio: Universal Television, American Work
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Daddy's Girls
Logline: Revolves around a young woman who returns home from overseas to find her father in a serious relationship with the "mean girl" from her high school.
Cast: Christine Woods, Nicky Whelan, Brenda Song, Cedric Yarbrough
Team: W/EP Dana Klein; EP Aaron Kaplan; D Pamela Fryman
Studio: 20th Television, Kapital Entertainment
Format: Multicamera
Location: Los Angeles

Downwardly Mobile
Logline: The proprietor of a mobile home park serves as a surrogate mother to all the unique people who live there in a challenging economy.
Cast: Roseanne Barr,
John Goodman
Team: EP/W Eric Gilliland, Roseanne Barr; EP John Argent; D Gail Mancuso
Studio: 20th Television
Format: Multicamera
Location: Los Angeles

Friday Night Dinner
Logline: An adaptation of the British series that revolves around the Goodmans, a traditional Jewish family as they observe Shabbat dinners in which twentysomething brothers Adam and Jonny visit their parents.
Tony Shalhoub, Allison Janney, Kevin Bigley, Gil Ozeri, Aya Cash
Team: EP/W Greg Daniels; EP Howard Klein; EP/D Ken Kwapis
Studio: Universal Television, Big Talk Television, Deedle Dee Productions, 3 Arts
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Go On
Logline: An irreverent yet charming sportscaster tries to move on from loss and finds solace from the members of his mandatory group therapy sessions.
Matthew Perry, Julie White, Suzy Nakamura
Team: EP/W Scott Silveri; EP/D Todd Holland; EP Karey Burke
Studio: Universal Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Logline: Inspired by the French-Canadian series
Le Monde De Charlotte, a normal angry middle-class family wrestles with the challenges of everyday life while raising a daughter with magical qualities.
Cast: Marcia Gay Harden, Kevin Nealon, Sophia Schloss, Abigail Mavity, Skyler Gisondo, Barry Shabaka, Alex Desert, Bradley White
Team: W/EP Howard Busgang, Tom Nursall; EP Aaron Kaplan, Jocelyn Deschenes, Karey Burke; D/EP Todd Holland
Studio: Universal Television, Kapital Entertainment, Sphere Media, Dark Toy
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Lady Friends (previously Untitled Kari Lizer)
Logline: Two friends, Nicole and Jen, who lead vastly different lives. Nicole has a perfect family and trouble-free pregnancy; while Jen has a strained relationship with her family, trouble with men and gained weight while on a diet.
Cast: Minnie Driver, Andrea Anders, Rachel Dratch, Danny Comden,
Josh Hopkins (second position to ABC's Cougar Town), Tymberlee Hill
Team: W/EP Kari Lizer; D Scott Ellis
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Kari's Logo Here
Format: Multicamera
Location: Los Angeles

Next Caller Please
Logline: A gender comedy revolving around a brash alpha male DJ and his feminist co-host set in the office of a satellite radio station.
Dane Cook, Collette Wolfe, Joy Osmanski
Team: W/EP Stephen Falk; D Marc Buckland
Studio: Lionsgate Television, Universal Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

The New Normal
Logline: Revolves around a blended family of a gay couple and the woman who becomes a surrogate for them as they grow their family.
Andrew Rannells, Ellen Barkin, Justin Bartha, Georgia King
Team: W/EP/D Ryan Murphy; W/EP Ali Adler; EP Dante Di Loreto
Studio: 20th Television, Ryan Murphy Productions
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

The Sarah Silverman Project
Logline: Revolves around a woman readjusting to single life following a decadelong live-in relationship. Loosely based on Silverman's life.
Cast: Sarah Silverman, Harris Wittels, June Raphael, Tig Notaro, Ken Leung
Team: W/EP Sarah Silverman, Dan Sterling, Jon Schroeder; EP Ron Howard, Brian Grazer,
Francie Calfo; EP/D Ken Kwapis
Studio: 20th TV, Imagine TV
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Save Me
Logline: A woman who lets herself go in a broken marriage transforms into a version of herself and creates miracles along the way.
Cast: Anne Heche, Alexandra Breckenridge, Michael Landes, Heather Burns, Madison Davenport
Team: W/EP John Scott Shepherd, D/EP Scott Winant; EP Neal Moritz, Vivian Cannon
Studio: Sony Pictures Television, Original Film & Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Untitled Hilary Winston
Logline: A shy and focused woman leans on her co-workers in a bid to come out of her shell and plot revenge after being dumped by her fiancé.
Mena Suvari, Kyle Howard, Aubrey Dollar
Team: W/EP Hilary Winston; EP Jamie Tarses, Julia Franz; D Adam Shankman
Studio: Sony Pictures Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Untitled Jimmy Fallon
Logline: Three thirtysomething guys who enjoy the adventures of parenting despite the fact that they haven't grown up themselves.
Cast: Zach Cregger
Team: EP/W Charlie Grandy; EP Jimmy Fallon, Amy Ozols, Rick Wiener, Kenny Schwartz; D Scott Ellis
Studio: Universal Television, Holiday Road
Format: Multicamera
Location: Los Angeles


Bad Girls
Logline: Adapted from the long-running U.K. series, follows the ins and outs of a group of unlikely women in a federal prison: a scandalous female warden, her new protégé and a host of inmates -- some mothers, some friends -- who struggle with loyalties to people on the inside and outside.
Cast: Jurnee Smollett, Amy Smart, Karolina Wydra, Rick Gonzalez, Zoe Boyle
Team: EP/W Nancy Pimental; EP John Wells, Andrew Stearn; D
John Dahl
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Shed Media, John Wells Productions
Location: Los Angeles

Beautiful People
Logline: An imaginative and thematically rich ensemble "what-if" drama set 10 minutes in the future where families of mechanical human beings exist to service the human population -- until some of the mechanicals begin to "awaken."
Cast: James Murray, Patrick Heusinger, Frances Conroy, Andrea Parker, Jud Tylor, Megalyn Echikunwoke, Madisen Beatey, Cody Christian, David Conrad, Tovah Feldshuh, Ernie Hudson (r)
Team: W/EP Michael McDonald; EP Robert M. Sertner; Co-EP Kate Garwood; EP/D Stephen Hopkins
Studio: ABC Studios/Universal Television
Location: Los Angeles

Chicago Fire

Logline: Action-driven drama exploring the complex and heroic men and women of the Chicago Fire Department
Cast: Taylor Kinney, Eamonn Walker, Monica Raymund, David Eigenberg
Team: W/EP Derek Haas, Michael Brandt; EP Dick Wolf, Danielle Gelber, Peter Jankowski; D Jeffrey Nachmanoff
Studio: Universal Television, Wolf Films
Location: Chicago

Logline: Revolves around the lives of a group of young doctors, nurses and administrators in a frenetic underfunded and morally compromising L.A. County hospital.
Cast: Jason Ritter, Aimee Garcia,
Michael B. Jordan, Jess Weixler, Agam Darshi, Norbert Leo Butz
Team: W/EP Jason Katims; D Jeff Reiner
Studio: Universal Television
Location: Los Angeles

Do No Harm
Logline: A brilliant neurosurgeon wrestles with his dangerous alter-ego that threatens to wreak havoc on his personal and processional life.
Steven Pasquale, Phylicia Rashad, Alana De La Garza, Mousa Kraish, Michael Esper, Ruta Gedmintas
Team: W/EP David Schulner; EP Peter Traugott, Rachel Kaplan; Co-EP/D Michael Mayer
Studio: Universal Television
Location: Philadelphia

The Frontier
Logline: Revolves around a group who follows their dreams and heads West from Missouri across the uncharted country in the 1840s.
Ethan Embry, Megan Ferguson, Jake McLaughlin, Bridget Regan, Al Weaver, Gina Bramhill, Chaske Spencer, Erik Jensen, Clancy Brown, Mustafa Shakir
Team: W/EP Shaun Cassidy; EP/D Thomas Schlamme; EP Jeff Kwatinetz, Josh Barry
Studio: Sony Pictures Television, Prospect Park
Location: Australia

Midnight Sun
Logline: A thriller in which a female FBI cult specialist begins to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a group commune in Alaska who uncovers a larger conspiracy in the process. Based on an Israeli format.
Cast: Titus Welliver, Michael Raymond-James
Team: W/EP Lisa Zwerling, EP Peter Traugott, Rachel Kaplan, Alon Aranya, Efrat Shmayadron, Minit Toovi, Noah Stollman, Oded Davidoff; D Brad Anderson
Studio: Universal Television
Location: Vancouver

Logline: An opulent soap in which a female detective returns undercover to the wealthy family she grew up in -- as the maid's daughter -- to solve the murder of the notorious heiress who was once her closest friend.
Cast: Victor Garber
Team: W/EP Liz Heldens; EPs Gail Berman, Lloyd Braun, Gene Stein
Studio: Universal Television, BermanBraun

Logline: Follows a group of characters struggling to survive and reunite with loved ones in a world where all forms of energy have mysteriously ceased to exist.
Giancarlo Esposito, Tracy Spiradakos, Graham Rogers, Anna Lise Phillips
Team: W/EP Eric Kripke; EP J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk; D Jon Favreau
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Bad Robot
Location: Atlanta



El Jefe (aka The Boss)
Logline: Tossed out of his Brentwood home, an affable but lost 30-year-old guy moves in with his longtime Latin American nanny and goes head to head with her strong-willed son and finds himself in a family and work life very different than the ones he grew up in.
Cast: Ryan Hansen, Ana Nogueira, Victor Rasuk
Team: W/EP David Guarascio, Moses Port; D Michael Patrick Jann
Studio: Sony Pictures Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

The Goodwin Games
Logline: High-concept family comedy about a father who leaves his fortune to his three children -- only if they agree to his terms.
Becki Newton, Scott Foley, Felisha Terrell, Jake Lacey
Team: W/EP Carter Bays, Craig Thomas, Chris Harris; D Peyton Reed
Studio: 20th Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Let It Go
Logline: Ensemble comedy about a married couple, his best friend and her sister as they try to navigate, negotiate and sometimes manipulate society's unspoken rules.
Zachary Levi
Team: W/EP DJ Nash; EP Peter Tolan, Michael Wimer
Studio: Sony Pictures Television, Fedora
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Like Father
Logline: Comedy centering on a father-son relationship, inspired by Lawrence's real-life experience.
Colin Ferguson, Kevin Michael Martin, Phil Lewis, Erin Daniels
Team: W/D/EP Bill Lawrence; EP Jeff Ingold
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Doozer
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Little Brother
Logline: A man learns he has a half-brother who happens to be an ex-con.
Cast: John Stamos, T.J. Miller, Rosa Salazar, Gillian Vigman, Izabela Vidovic
Team: W/EP Mike Royce; EP Marty Adelstein, Becky Clements, Jimmy Mulville, Michael Thom, Fintan Ryan; D/EP Shawn Levy
Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, Adelstein Productions, Hat Trick
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Living Loaded
Logline: A partying blogger is forced to change career plans when he becomes a radio host.
Cast: Donald Sutherland, Mike Vogel (second position to
Pan Am), Michael Friedman, Larry Wilmore, Anna Marie Horsford, Kaitlyn Black, Sugar Lyn Beard
Team: W/EPs Rob McElhenney, Rob Rosell, Dan Dunn; EP Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton, Nick Frenkel, Michael Rotenberg; D Brad Shakman
Studio: FX Prods., 3 Arts
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Must Hire
Logline: An uptight, young executive hires his dad for an entry-level position and is shocked to discover that his new hire is a disruptive office clown.
Team: W/EP Eli Jorne, Reed Agnew; EP Jamie Tarses
Studio: Sony Pictures Television, Fanfare
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Ned Fox Is My Manny (previously Ben Fox Is My Manny)
Logline: A single mother gets an assist from her brother who moves in with her to help her raise her baby. The title character is a heightened version of Fox's brother, Ben Fox.
Nat Faxon, Abby Elliott, Lucy Punch, Maggie Jones, Echo Kellum
Team: W/EP Dana Fox; EPs Peter Chernin, Katherine Pope; D Jake Kasdan
Studio: 20th Television, Chernin Entertainment
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Prodigy Bully
Logline: Based on the one-minute movies by Hank Perlman, a young boy genius uses his brains and brawn to get what ever he wants.
Cast: Mike O'Malley, Missi Pyle, Hayley Holmes, Cody Sullivan, Ysa Penajero
Team: W/Co-EP Mike O'Malley, EP John Wells, Paris Barclay, Andrew Stearn; D Peter Segal
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, John Wells Productions
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Logline: An uplifting comedy about a man recovering from the death of his fiancé with the help of the idiots on his pickup basketball team.
Cast: Aly Michalka, Malcolm Barrett, Hayes MacArthur, Matt Jones
Team: W/EP Joe Port, Joe Wiseman; EP Steve Levitan; D Jason Winer
Studio: 20th Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles

Untitled Mindy Kaling comedy
Logline: A young Bridget Jones-type doctor tries to navigate her personal and professional lives.
Cast: Mindy Kaling, Ed Weeks
Team: W/EP Mindy Kaling; EP Howard Klein
Studio: Universal Television
Format: Single-camera
Location: Los Angeles


The Asset
Logline: Spy drama that revolves around a female agent set in the New York office of the CIA.
Bradley Whitford, Ali Larter, Jamie Chung
Team: W/EP Josh Friedman; D Neil Burger
Studio: 20th Television

Logline: Centers on a smart and ethically questionable defense attorney who uses his unique methods to solve cases he's been banned from handling after he's stripped of his license to practice law after being falsely convicted of fraud.
Cuba Gooding Jr., Eva Amurri Martino, Julian Morris
Team: W/EP Greg Berlanti, EP Marc Guggenheim, Peter Johnson; EP/D McG
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Bonanza Productions, Berlanti Productions, Wonderland Sound and Vision
Location: New York

Untitled Karyn Usher project
Logline: The orphaned 14-year-old daughter of a CIA operative encounters a mysterious rogue agent/assassin who serves as both her surrogate father and professional mentor in the spy world.
Saxon Sharbino
Team: W/EP Karyn Usher; EP Marty Adelstein, Becky Clements, Shawn Levy; D Brett Ratner
Studio: 21 Laps/Adelstein Productions, 20th Television

Untitled Kevin Williamson serial killer drama
Logline: A new thriller about an ex-FBI agent, Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon), who leads the search to catch a diabolical serial killer, Joe Carroll (James Purefoy), who has created a cult of serial killers.
Kevin Bacon, James Purefoy, Shawn Ashmore, Natalie Zea, Valorie Curry, Jeananne Goossen, Nico Tortorella
Team: W/EP Kevin Williamson; EP/D Marcos Siega
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Outerbanks Entertainment
Location: Atlanta, New York

Untitled Josh Berman medical drama
Logline: A young female thoracic surgeon who becomes indebted to the South Chicago mafia is forced to moonlight as a "mob doctor" while also working full-time at Chicago's most prominent hospital.
Cast: Jordana Spiro, James Carpinello, Jesse Lee Soffer, Jamie Lee Kirchner
Team: W/EP Josh Berman, Robert Wright; D/EP Michael Dinner
Studio: Sony Pictures Television
Location: Chicago



Logline: Based on the DC Comics title, published by DC Entertainment, this hourlong drama is a modern retelling of the legendary DC Comics character Green Arrow.
Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Colin Donnell, Susanna Thompson, Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland
Team: EP/W Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg; D David Nutter
Studio: Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television
Location: Vancouver

Beauty and the Beast

Logline: Loosely based on CBS’
Beauty and the Beast series from the 1980s, this is a modern-day romantic love story with a procedural twist.

Kristin Kreuk, Austin Basis, Nicole Gale Anderson, Nina Lisandrello
Team: EP/W Jennifer Levin, Sherri Cooper; EP Paul J. Witt, C. Anthony Thomas, Ron Koslow, Bill Haber; D Gary Fleder
Studio: CBS Television Studios
Location: Toronto

The Carrie Diaries
Logline: Based on the novel by Candace Bushnell, a young Carrie Bradshaw comes of age in the 1980s, asking her first questions about love, sex, friendship and family while exploring the worlds of high school and Manhattan.
AnnaSophia Robb, Stefania Owen, Katie Findlay, Ellen Wong
Team: EP/W Amy Harris; EP Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, Len Goldstein, Candace Bushnell; D Miguel Arteta
Studio: Fake Empire in association with Warner Bros. Television
Location: New York

Logline: An inquisitive, young female production assistant on a wildly popular television show joins a journalist blogger in investigating the show's rabid fans. Together, the duo finds the fans might be recreating crime scenes from the show in their real lives -- behavior that has lead to a rash of disappearances and a likely murder.
Cast: Jessica Lucas, Alona Tal, Robert Knepper
Team: EP/W Rockne O'Bannon; EP Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, Len Goldstein; D Jason Ensler
Studio: Warner Bros. TV, Fake Empire
Location: Vancouver

First Cut
Logline: Glad to leave her nerdy past behind for a fresh start in the adult professional world, a newly minted doctor discovers that, sadly and comically, life at the hospital where she works is no different than high school.
Cast: Michael Rady, Kelly J. McCreary
Team: W/EP Jennie Snyder Urman; EP Dan Jinks; D Bharat Nalluri
Studio: CBS Television Studios
Location: Vancouver

Joey Dakota
Logline: Based on the Israeli format Danny Hollywood. In this romantic-time-travel-musical, a documentary filmmaker travels back in time to the 1990’s where she meets and falls in love with the rock star subject of her film. When she unexpectedly returns to present day, she must find her way back to the past to reunite with her love and prevent his untimely death.
Team: W: Bert Royal; EP Mark Harmon, Kim Tannenbaum, Eric Tannenbaum, Martha Haight; D Allan Arkush
Studio: CBS Television Studios, Harmon/Tannenbaum
Location: Vancouver

The Selection
Logline: Based on the forthcoming series of books by Kiera Cass,
The Selection is an epic romance set 300 years in the future which centers on a poor young woman who is chosen by lottery to participate in a competition to become the next queen of a war-torn nation at a crossroads.
Aimee Teegarden, Ethan Peck, Sean Patrick Thomas
Team: W/EP Elizabeth Craft, Sarah Fain; D Mark Piznarski
Studio: Warner Bros. Television
Location: Vancouver

Logline: Drama set at an historic New England summer resort where the new and returning staff attend to the practical, emotional and often comical needs of the guests while navigating friendships, rivalries and romances of their own.
Team: W/EP Mark Schwahn; EP J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk
Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Bad Robot Productions, Mastermind Laboratories
Location: TBD

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"Il trivial game + divertente dell'anno" (Lucca Comics)

"Il trivial game + divertente dell'anno" (Lucca Comics)
Il GIOCO DEI TELEFILM di Leopoldo Damerini e Fabrizio Margaria, nei migliori negozi di giocattoli: un viaggio lungo 750 domande divise per epoche e difficoltà. Sfida i tuoi amici/parenti/partner/amanti e diventa Telefilm Master. Disegni originali by Silver. Regolamento di Luca Borsa. E' un gioco Ghenos Games.

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Lick it or Leave it!