Articolo di Brian Stelter per il "New York Times"
Only 98,600 people wrote messages on Twitter about the two-hour season
premiere of “Grey’s Anatomy” last month. That’s a tiny fraction of the
9.3 million who, according to Nielsen, watched the show that night.
But the posts, 225,000 of them in total, were seen by millions of
Twitter users, some of whom might have fired up their digital video
recorders or laptops to watch the episode later.
Nielsen is now measuring what it calls the “unique audience” for Twitter
posts about television, providing a more complete view of the
phenomenon known as social TV. On Monday the company is introducing
Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings, a product announced last year that professes
to measure all the activity and reach of Twitter conversation about
shows, even if it has yet to be embraced by television executives and
gain a broad client base.
“We feel this is going to be a credibility-building moment for the
industry,” said Andrew Somosi, the chief executive of SocialGuide, an
analytics company that Nielsen acquired last November, in part to create
the new product.
Measures of posts about a TV show (“Can’t wait for ‘The Walking Dead’ to
start”) are just the tip of Twitter’s iceberg, Mr. Somosi said in an
interview: “The full iceberg is the extent to which people are seeing
those tweets.” For example, the 225,000 posts about the Sept. 26 episode
of “Grey’s Anatomy” were seen by 2.8 million distinct Twitter accounts,
according to Nielsen’s algorithms.
It is impossible to say how many of those users watched the show as a
result of the posts, but previous research has found that Twitter
activity sometimes spurs viewership. Twitter has made collaboration with
the television industry a priority as it seeks to impress investors;
the prospectus for its initial public offering, published Thursday, mentioned television 42 times.
Executives at Nielsen say they expect that TV networks will start to
promote their Twitter TV Ratings performance the same way they do
broadcast ratings. But it is unclear how many networks or advertisers
are actually paying to receive the overnight data. Nielsen declined to
name any customers, and representatives of only two media companies —
Discovery Communications, the Discovery Channel owner, and the ad-buying
giant Universal McCann — were quoted in a news release about the new
“This is just the beginning; the data hasn’t been available until now,”
said Sean Casey, who founded SocialGuide and is now its senior vice
president for product.
During the week of Sept. 23, for example, the finale of AMC’s “Breaking
Bad” ranked No. 1 in the Twitter TV Ratings, with 1.2 million posts that
reached 9.3 million Twitter accounts, according to Nielsen. Two
episodes of NBC’s “The Voice” also ranked in the top 10, reaching 3.8
million and then 2.7 million accounts. Interestingly, one of four new
episodes that week of “Jimmy Kimmel Live” cracked the top 10. It was the
one broadcast Sept. 26, with a sketch that set off a Twitter feud
between Mr. Kimmel and Kanye West.
Mr. Casey said he and his colleagues had a variety of techniques to
capture posts about shows and exclude those that merely use similar
words. (With the ABC drama “Scandal,” for instance, messages that
mention “a scandal” would be thrown out.) In the future they plan to
distinguish between a TV star’s posts about his or her own show (which
are not currently measured) and posts from viewers, so networks (and
presumably talent agents) can tell how influential a star’s posts are.
Some networks may question Nielsen’s methodology, especially since a
TV-related post is said to be viewed whenever it is loaded on the Web or
whenever it shows up on screen, however briefly, on a mobile device.
More generally, skepticism abounds about how representative Twitter chatter is — or isn’t.
“What people often lose sight of is the fact that the overwhelming
majority of conversations about TV shows still take place offline,” said
Ed Keller, the chief executive of the Keller Fay Group, a market
research firm that specializes in word of mouth and supplies data to
networks like CBS.
The firm’s surveys consistently indicate that 80 percent of
conversations about TV shows happen in person and 10 percent happen on
the phone, with most of the remaining 10 percent occurring online.
“The conversations that take place in the real world can often be quite
different from those that take place on social media,” Mr. Keller said.
4 commenti:
va bhe, ma in Italia è tutto un magna magna, si sa. L'Auditel è controllato da Rai, Mediaset e Sky, che non hanno alcun interesse a sovvertire i regimi, se non ultimamente a favorire leggermente Sky che difatti ha cominciato a farsi rilevare gli ascolti. Fatto sta che ormai il pubblico commerciale (15-64 anni) è sempre più simile a quello totale...solo in Italia succede questo: negli altri Paesi il target rilevato è quello tra i 12 e i 54 anni. L'Italia ha un pubblico monitorato nella stragrande maggioranza vecchio e per questo si merita i programmi "decrepiti" che la tv generalista gli propina.
sono d'accordo, in Italia, se ci fosse democrazia vera e non presunta, s'indagherebbe chi sta dietro l'Auditel, sulla governance, se ci fosse un vero Antitrust. Come si fa a non sapere a chi sono in mano i decoder, ad essere ancora oggi, nel 2013, "segreti"? In Usa è tutto trasparente da anni, e come si legge dal post, molto più avanti!!!!!
l'Auditel è una delle ragioni per cui questo paese va a rotoli
In Italia non siamo messi bene. Se pubblicassimo la classifica dei tweetter: sabato ha fatto il botto #ballandoconlestelle con il parrucchino di Sandro Mayer...Siamo un Paese di vecchi dentro (oltre che di sfigati che il sabato sera stanno davanti alla tv a vedere quello sfigato e gli sfigati che ballano...). Ma dai, dove vogliamo andare?????
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