Clamorosissimo a Wembley! Riportiamo così com'è l'agenzia uscita oggi su una possibile "rinascita" di "Buffy" e il testo integrale della news riportata dal "Daily Star"...O si tratta di una notizia "drogata", visto il soggetto? A voi la scelta, i commenti, le repliche, le precisazioni, le ipotesi...
(AGI) - Londra, 30 ago. - Tra un arresto e l'altro, Pete Doherty dovra' trovare il tempo per prendere parte ad un episodio della serie 'Buffy', dove interpretera' il ruolo di uno zombie. Lo rivela Josh Whedon, creatore della serie tv, che sara' uno dei punti forti della programmazione della BBC del prossimo anno. Secondo il "Daily Star", infatti, Whedon avrebbe scritto una piccola parte apposta per il cantante dei Babyshambles, che si sarebbe gia' detto entusiasta dell'idea. "Ha un tale gusto del macabro che sembra perfetto per questi ruoli, basti pensare ai suoi quadri, che dipinge con il sangue". Doherty sara' dunque lo zombie di una rockstar che non riesce a riposare per sempre ed e' costretto a vagare per le strade di Londra.
Dal "Daily Star" di ieri:
"The pallid skin, those weeping sores and that dead-eyed expression...Pete Doherty’s been stalking London for months like one of the restless undead, unhindered by the rules of horror films or even by mortal laws.But as if accepting that this most tenacious of nightcrawlers is never to be stopped, cult telly legend Josh Whedon is hoping to cast Pete in his spooky new BBC series.The 43-year-old behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer has decided the Babyshambles man is the ideal fellow to play a flesh-eating pest. And he’ll prove to be a scintillating monster for the excellent Anthony Head to rid Blighty of when he reprises his role as Giles in the spin-off Ripper next year.Our shivering source told us: “There have been talks about the BBC and America’s Fox network collaborating on this Buffy spin-off for years. But now they’ve got the green light to start filming.“The show will follow Buffy’s mentor Giles after he decides to come out of retirement in his native England to solve ghost stories and other mysteries.“Josh studied in Winchester and is quite an Anglophile despite being a native New Yorker and he’s keen to work with the BBC and, of course, Anthony again.“He admires Russell T. Davies’s pop references in Doctor Who and thought it would be great to get some British musical and comic cameos in the new series.“Pete seemed the obvious choice, with his love of the macabre. The blood paintings and the self-styled night creature existence are perfect. It’s thought he’ll play an approximation of his real-life persona; the zombie remnants of a rock star and poet unable to rest and therefore haunting London.“With grisly results, of course.” If all goes to plan Pete, 28, will start filming for the show in early 2008 and it will be shown in June. Note to Kate Moss, 33, start wearing a crucifix now…".
"The pallid skin, those weeping sores and that dead-eyed expression...Pete Doherty’s been stalking London for months like one of the restless undead, unhindered by the rules of horror films or even by mortal laws.But as if accepting that this most tenacious of nightcrawlers is never to be stopped, cult telly legend Josh Whedon is hoping to cast Pete in his spooky new BBC series.The 43-year-old behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer has decided the Babyshambles man is the ideal fellow to play a flesh-eating pest. And he’ll prove to be a scintillating monster for the excellent Anthony Head to rid Blighty of when he reprises his role as Giles in the spin-off Ripper next year.Our shivering source told us: “There have been talks about the BBC and America’s Fox network collaborating on this Buffy spin-off for years. But now they’ve got the green light to start filming.“The show will follow Buffy’s mentor Giles after he decides to come out of retirement in his native England to solve ghost stories and other mysteries.“Josh studied in Winchester and is quite an Anglophile despite being a native New Yorker and he’s keen to work with the BBC and, of course, Anthony again.“He admires Russell T. Davies’s pop references in Doctor Who and thought it would be great to get some British musical and comic cameos in the new series.“Pete seemed the obvious choice, with his love of the macabre. The blood paintings and the self-styled night creature existence are perfect. It’s thought he’ll play an approximation of his real-life persona; the zombie remnants of a rock star and poet unable to rest and therefore haunting London.“With grisly results, of course.” If all goes to plan Pete, 28, will start filming for the show in early 2008 and it will be shown in June. Note to Kate Moss, 33, start wearing a crucifix now…".
Interpellato da "Telefilm Cult", l'arcimitico Vampy precisa: "Si tratta di 'Ripper', il futuro, abbastanza probabile, spinoff di 'Buffy', con Giles protagonista. Sulla Bbc. No, non ci credo a Pete Doherty e non ci crede nessuno. Se leggi i commenti dei fans: http://whedonesque.com/comments/14105. In realtà stiamo ancora aspettando l'Ok della Fox".
Sul rapporto tra giornalisti e telefilm, date un occhio qui: http://www.schermotv.com/content/view/1622/60/.
5 commenti:
Sarebbe fantastico!
Il detective del paranormale Rupert "Ripper" Giles assistito dai fantasmi di Wesley e Cordelia (e non dimentichiamo Dennis il fantasmino) investigano sulle voci di una rock mansion infestata, e scoprono i fantasmi di Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Keith Moon, Brian Jones e Sid Vicious tornati dall'inferno. Divertimento assicurato quando spunta fuori lo zombie di Pete Doherty che mangia carne umana, e declama poesie.
Questa è la prossima puntata di Buffy, da uno script segretissimo di JOSH Whedon!
Ma allora è vero????????????
Grazie TELEFILM CULT per la news!!!!!!!1
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